What is a good salary in UK at present?

I'm not sure about this. IMO everyone should make time to know how their pensions are invested and ideally make that as efficient as possible too. We're talking about how potentially decades of your life are going to play out. Making sure investments are going into one of the cheapest global trackers for example and not into expensive managed funds is not hard work.

What I meant was doing private investment and so on, my pension providers and I discuss a strategy and they keep me abreast of any changes and suggestions. However, I don't manage it on a day to day basis. I agree that knowing where/how your money is invested is important. I mean including employer contributions over 20% goes into my pot every month and I clearly don't want them to invest in stuff I also do not morally / socially believe in.
What I meant was doing private investment and so on, my pension providers and I discuss a strategy and they keep me abreast of any changes and suggestions. However, I don't manage it on a day to day basis. I agree that knowing where/how your money is invested is important. I mean including employer contributions over 20% goes into my pot every month and I clearly don't want them to invest in stuff I also do not morally / socially believe in.
Makes sense!
What I meant was doing private investment and so on, my pension providers and I discuss a strategy and they keep me abreast of any changes and suggestions. However, I don't manage it on a day to day basis. I agree that knowing where/how your money is invested is important. I mean including employer contributions over 20% goes into my pot every month and I clearly don't want them to invest in stuff I also do not morally / socially believe in.
Man talking bout them default ESG allocations?
When will they increase these tax brackets?
Inflation is pushing the wages up, yet the same tax brackets are in effect?

One day...
They were stagnant for years under labour too, it was the lib dems that forced the Conservatives hand to start lifting them at the start of the coalition.

Now it's deliberate to leave them static - fiscal drag - one of Hunt's specified policies.
Personally I just move the contributions from my company pension scheme to my SIPP about once every 6 months, so have complete control. I hope you aren't ignoring your company pension scheme!
I can't do this with my current company pension as it's a NEST pension and you can only transfer once you're no longer paying into it. I'm in the process of consolidating all my old pensions into a single pension through an IFA.
I dont anyone outside the M25 on £30K a year nevermind £40k unless they are in management.

LOL, I live in one of the poorest areas of the UK and there are plenty of people on over 30k without being in management or even having a degree.

Anyone free from physical or mental health problems with an average IQ can earn over 30k with a little effort.
Mods should add a poll. I consider £40k a good salary outside London.

I'd add some detail.
40 is good out side of London without kids and a second income (ie a partner working)
(and you have a mortgage)

If you don't have a mortgage, I'd agree 40k is good!
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LOL, I live in one of the poorest areas of the UK and there are plenty of people on over 30k without being in management or even having a degree.

Anyone free from physical or mental health problems with an average IQ can earn over 30k with a little effort.
... Yeah, tell my best friend that! Lol
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