What is considered to be the best speaker set for around £100?

3 Jan 2004
2.1 or 5.1, although i think it'll mostly be used at 2.1

i was close to buying the Aego M but they have gone up in price
i've had altec lansing, sounded good except the bass goes straight to vibration, so my neighbours could hear my bass but i got none of it :(

Logitech z4 £50 as I dont think the aego is £50 better having heard them both.
And anyone that recommends pc speakers for music has very strange ears in my view.
Better off getting budget pc speakers and buy some decent headphones for music.
You can get £1000+ sound through £60 headphones.
well the aego m isnt really considered PC speakers, they are just a 2.1 system, usually for ipod or any general source.

i'll be using them for ipod, movies and xbox 360 so i dont want a specific pc speaker set and i cant really do 5.1
Sonic Impact T-Amp and the rest of the cash on some decent bookshelf speakers?

Otherwise, Aego M's are good.

Not as good as a T-Amp and KEF Coda's though, IMO...
i dont know those products, but something tells me they'll be over double my budget :(
I just remembered i have a pair of pretty fantastic speakers at home that just need an amp, but these speakers are pretty big. What are some good value amps at under £100? do they come with volume remotes?
Yep. What impedance are your speakers... It normally says on the back.

I'm using that (equivalent) amp from a laptop battery pack into 6 ohm speakers, and I can hear it from the other end of a 5 bedroom bungalow, if your worried about volume. :)

If it was my money, I know what I'd get...

EDIT: 4 ohm speakers will work best with this amp, and 8 ohm is good also. If they are 16 ohms, then it may not be the best choice tho...

Tooks: What amp you getting? :D
hey where do i know you from? i think we used to chat on msn
Yep. What impedance are your speakers... It normally says on the back.

I'm using that (equivalent) amp from a laptop battery pack into 6 ohm speakers, and I can hear it from the other end of a 5 bedroom bungalow, if your worried about volume. :)

If it was my money, I know what I'd get...

EDIT: 4 ohm speakers will work best with this amp, and 8 ohm is good also. If they are 16 ohms, then it may not be the best choice tho...

Tooks: What amp you getting? :D
i'd take you up on that but my speakers are miles away from me so cant check,
The speakers i have at my sister's house are very similar to these:


They are probably no big deal in terms of real Hi-Fi but i remember them having more than adequate sound for me back in the day, im sure a good amp could make them sound great.
Well a good amp will certainly make them sound better than before, but your sound will still be limited by the speakers in some respects... The Sonic Impact will blow away any midi system amp tho. I'm guessing those speakers on top are some separate surround speakers?

Do you have the speakers in Bristol with you? If so, I may be able to bring an amp or two the next time I'm in town... :)
Nah, afraid not, they are too big for my room here, i have another system's speakers available for testing though

i still dont get how this little amp thing works though :o
Ok, nice. I should have it all going by the weekend with any luck, I'm still waiting for some parts - the post is not exactly fast where I live...

I can show you roughly how it all works, there's not much too it really... Is only gets more complex when you start messing around with active crossovers, digital delays and things like that.

Also, what's your main source? I'll have to get my MSN going again, I'm on a borrowed laptop right now as my main rig has decided to cold boot a few days ago... :(
no rush, i will probably be away this weekend too

I plan on using the speakers mainly with ipod and laptop for MP3, and Xbox for movies.
Ok, that's no problem. The only thing is that my amp only has a 3.5mm jack input, so I'll have to bring some leads also. What sort of audio connections does the xbox have... RCA phono?

Today I managed to get it fixed and up and running. :cool:


I now have isolated speaker terminals, so it should be reliable now.

It's basically a DIY sonic impact... There are only a few small differences between what I have and the sonic impact.

With any luck I'll get my main computer fixed tomorrow, and should be able to get back on MSN. :)
im going to be in Bristol this weekend so let me know when your msn is back on

the xbox has optical and RCA phono, the speakers i have for testing here are smaller than my own ones but should be good enough to test this out :cool:, they only have bare wire/cable connections though, does that amp handle that? or does the cable need some sort of plug on the end?
Hopefully today or tomorrow... If not, I'll send an e-mail or something. :)

I'm using RCA plugs on my speakers so I can switch between different speakers easily. I'll bring some RCA plugs which go to bare wire (and some electrical tape), which will allow your speakers to be used... This should work fine for testing. :) I may have some speakers I can bring along also, it all depends if I'm in the car or on the bike...
Cool, i definitely have speakers so thats sorted, shame my plasma is in the other room so i wont get the sound & picture experience :), sound will have to be tested on the old crt widescreen thats next to the speakers.
First, the good news... I've been using the amp loads since I've fixed it and it's working and reliable... I've also got a better PSU for it and soldered up a 2nd battery pack...

The bad news, this weekend may end up being pretty busy for me, but I should be able drop by at some point... Also, my computer is still broken, which means I don't have access to MSN or e-mail. :(

I may be able to sort it tomorrow during the day tho, we'll see. I do have access to my facebook account tho, feel free to add me, just use my name that is in trust. :)

EDIT: Whereabouts in Bristol are you? I'm at the Bedminster(ish) end, FWIW....
No worries, theres no rush for this, we'll make it a more convenient time. Get your PC sorted etc and then get in touch when you have some spare time :)

I'm in fishponds near the M32, bs5 6rl
Ahh I know Fishponds, it's just next to Easton. I may be over Keynsham way sometime over the weekend... I'll see if I can stop by if I am...

I've got my MSN working, I should be on there already. :) I'm just off to see Magnetic Man at the Thekla, but I should be back later and tomorrow...

Finally, the company who makes the Tripath chips has gone bust! I'm not sure if this will make things like the t-amp so up in value at all, but I've heard stories of people stockpiling chips...
I wont be around this weekend, but add me to msn anyway (though im pretty sure i have you on there already somehow :confused:)

Thekla is cool! pretty small venue though
hey sorry Mike, ive been so busy on weekends but im going to be around most of the time for the next month or so, im free this weekend also, hopefully you see this thread/reply.
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