What is covered by Social Care?

Is it likely that third party businesses will start up to compete with the NHS (Social Care)?

The NHS already kind of do this with certain services where they will contract the business out to third parties, I know for instance in my area anything related to dermatology is done through Virgincare, I would expect the same for other services and I expect the contracts to be quite profitable for the companies offering the service
This is a conservative forum?

It seems very slightly left of average to me. Which tbf is probably conservative in the UK!

It's fairly statist, a lot of people favour government intervention in social and economic affairs as I've found in speakers corner, so fairly to the right on social issues and to the left on economic issues.
I wouldn't say it's a given, it's just what people put up with because they're too lazy to go to a polling station to change the status quo.
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