What is happening to the music industry?

Although it's highly amusing, I don't actually think what this Ark Music Factory has done is wrong. Fair play to them if they can make a business out of people actually paying for this stuff.

Yes, this is fantastic news for them. As cited, it wasn't intentional but this is the best form of promotion possible for them.

If there's one thing I hate is music snobbery and coming out of someone so young as the OP saddens me more.

Teenagers are snobbier than ever when it comes to music. I can guarantee you that, because there are more means to communicate it through than ever, and more means to obtain it than ever. The competitiveness to have the better taste and to show off your music collection and playlists is immense.

Go to 4chan's music board and you'll see what I mean.
Now THAT is hipster.

You have to study stuff like on the first year of most music degrees, write essays on what makes it a work of music, and then write scores organizing the music into a timescale.

It was not what I had in mind when all I wanted to do was play the piano :(

Most students in the class actually hated it. My ears felt abused by all the stuff we had to 'study'.


And yea, tbh I'd really rather listen to Rebecca Black than that stuff.

So many people at are age know very little about music

Most kids and their parents dont take music classes very seriously either, and see the subject as 'dos' classes that isnt going to help them in anyway. Just about every school runs proper music lessons outside of school hours as extra curricular classes in either instruments, orchestras or choirs, yet most kids who might want to do them wouldnt dare to due to fear of rejection and bullying by other kids. Around 400 years ago Music was one of, if not the most prestigious course that anyone could study. Nowadays it is viewed by most as a mickey mouse course. You cant really expect people to know much about it when most of them dont even take it seriously as a subject.
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I think the whole Rebecca Black debacle says more about celebrity status and the Internet age than music. Everyone knows how bad it is, what is more irritating is that she's probably going to be a millionaire off the back of something so terrible. :p

People buy what sells. If that means crap music is popular, who cares? There are scores and scores of bands out there on the Internet and playing live that are excellent. And what's more you can listen to most of them with a bit of googling or a wander down to your local live music venue.
tl;dr stop caring what people listen to and just find music you like. Life's too short.
Which is?

I hate subjecting people to the stuff I listen to and I would never think my music taste is the best.

Well said dmpoole - I really despise this idea where people think they have a god given right to feel that their tastes are superior to others. People develop tastes as they grow, but that doesn't mean the music they like at any point is invalid.

If someone enjoys something & it makes them feel good at any point in their life - don't knock it. Do some people feel threatened by others tastes? It's also not destroying the music industry as some have suggested - it's always been this way, thst's what 'popular' music is!

Just get over it - if you don't like it, don't listen to it & stop complaining about it. Remember that your tastes are only truly valid in your own eyes, so pull the head out of......

EDIT: also agree with russ0r
If there's one thing I hate is music snobbery and coming out of someone so young as the OP saddens me more.
My all time favourite bands are Led Zeppelin, Slayer, Metallica etc but the song in the OP is better than some of the worst drivel they put out.
There are two forms of music - good & bad.

If there is one thing I am not, it's snobby about music! I'm not really a big music person but I listen to whatever music I like varying in age and genre. Granted, a lot of the older songs I like will be very dissimilar to those who were around when they were released because it is only the popular old songs that you hear about today. I enjoy music from pretty much every genre and I don't judge people on their choice of music whatsoever. What I can't stand though, is people who will listen to the most popular music because it is fashionable and after a month refuse to be associated with that particular track because it's 'old'. I think people like that are so ignorant as they simply refuse to like anything other than what everyone else does. Me, if I like a particular song I'll whack it on my iPod and listen to it no matter what the age or genre. And as I said, I don't judge people on what music they listen to, I just don't like in when people go all tunnel vision when it comes to what they listen to.

Thanks for letting me know about Ark Studios. You see a song like this on the internet, appears to be professionally shot and edited and features another artist and you assume it is a legit song. Too late though, seems the whole internet is up in arms about it- I even heard it on the radio. Silly thing is, the unpopularity of the song is probably earning her a fortune through YouTube, not to mention Ark Studios!
Everyone needs to calm down, music accross the generations has always thought of being rubbish, in 10 years time you'll be looking back at Rebecca Black and thinking "where is she when we need here musical genius?".... actually no.

But seriously, there is still a great amount of musical talent out there, its okay. :D
I just don't like in when people go all tunnel vision when it comes to what they listen to.

Sometimes I really wish I had been like that because it would have saved me 1000s and 1000s of pounds.
From early as 1970 I would walk into the house with new albums by Led Zeppelin, Simon & Garfunkel and Diana Ross. The following week I'd walk in with Donovan, The Shadows and Slade.
My wide varied taste has cost me loads and sometimes I envy people who can be tunnel visioned.
I was at a Rock N Roll Club on Saturday night and they are the most tunnel visioned people I know.
They're stuck in the 50s and don't want to leave it.
My mate was in the band and he won't consider any other music than rockabilly.

The thing is you're 15/16 and going by my daughters and all their mates at that age they were the same.
It used to get me when they'd ask for a new CD and all they would play were the couple of singles released off it.
I'd be walking in the room switching to different tracks on the album but they had no interest but they have now grown up and listen to the full album.
Sometimes I really wish I had been like that because it would have saved me 1000s and 1000s of pounds.
From early as 1970 I would walk into the house with new albums by Led Zeppelin, Simon & Garfunkel and Diana Ross. The following week I'd walk in with Donovan, The Shadows and Slade.
My wide varied taste has cost me loads and sometimes I envy people who can be tunnel visioned.
I was at a Rock N Roll Club on Saturday night and they are the most tunnel visioned people I know.
They're stuck in the 50s and don't want to leave it.
My mate was in the band and he won't consider any other music than rockabilly.

The thing is you're 15/16 and going by my daughters and all their mates at that age they were the same.
It used to get me when they'd ask for a new CD and all they would play were the couple of singles released off it.
I'd be walking in the room switching to different tracks on the album but they had no interest but they have now grown up and listen to the full album.

I'm exactly the same, their is nothing I do no like, I can shuffle my mp3 player so one minute I'm on Dusty Springfield and the next I'm playing some Amon Amarth.

Though, I do not think I'd last 5 minutes without Spotify. I used to download music when I was a kid and I've swore ever since I'll never do it again so really it's a godsend.
There's nothing better than liking a variety of music, although it can be quite expensive- thank god for single track downloads! Don't forget, I don't mind people that only like one kind of music, it's those who deliberately choose to remain ignorent to other music to stay on trend that get me!
I like all genres of music .... Except metal :x

Yes I tried listening to a lot of metal songs and I just couldnt enjoy it, whereas I do get a lot of enjoyment of Rebecca Black's song for all the wrong reasons :D

I like silly funny trolololol songs like Friday.
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