what is the one thing you do but want to stop doing?

Eating junk, every day I tell myself no more junk, then the next day I've eaten junk again. Brain making me doing it and I can't make it stop.

Similar here. I can't really cook without cutting/burning myself (almost blind), so I tend to have ready meals or have deliveries most of the time. Then there are crisps - I just can't stop eating.

It may not be drugs, smoking or alcohol addiction, but it is still an addiction and is just as bad.
Eating junk food. I deprived myself for 18 months of eating healthy, now the urge is uncontrollable.

I do not drink, smoke or even drink coffee but sugar is my guilty pleasure. The missus keeps me in check but every now and again I buy a kilo bag of blackjacks & fruit salads off Amazon :o .

I think it stems from penny sweets as a kid after primary school.
Stop spending obscene amounts of money on computer upgrades and vinyl records

Coke, energy drinks are one of my vices too all I have drunk in 15 plus years straight. I would say smoking but I also own a vaping company so it is not too hard to quit the smoking but replace it with vaping.

IU can understand junk food, my brother is younger than me I wish he would stop it will kill him. I joke not right when I drive him shopping a over flowed trolley of junk comes out. Hes already seriously over weight from it.
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