What is white privilege?

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Better than being trolled by supposedly reputable sites like usual I guess...

I disagree, mainly because there's something really insidious about the mainstream media reporting on the mentally ill people of twitter's opinions on absolutely everything. It's an abuse of trust of the institutions supposed report the facts and the news as it happened. My grandfather was a journalist for the News of the World in an era that seems as if it never existed - it was once regarded as the 'newspaper of record,' whereby if you wanted just the facts and no opinions, you bought that paper. He's told me countless stories over the years of barmy conduct and misbehvaiour, but the one common theme was that everybody who worked there was determined to print to a deadline and to print what actually happened.

As much as I would like to believe that such a journalistic institution still exists in the UK, I know it's naive to think one does. Now some idiot trawls twitter for a profile picture and a mental opinion and prints it as if it were gospel and I get it - that sells their slowly dying media. But the problem with it is that it damages discourse because the Left will print garbage from some lunatic on the Right and the Right will print garbage from some lunatic on the Left and we end up with this stupid situation where both sides end up being entrenched in their position arguing against some insane viewpoint that neither side's majority advocates or even thinks is reasonable.

Case in point: the fact that a satirical website was even posted and people weren't sure if it was serious or not. That's not because the person who posted it is an idiot, they aren't. It's because we're conditioned to expect the worst in people who do not share our particular views and that's not right.

e: wait, it was @Gray2233 who posted it, so I retract my statement that he isn't an idiot. He's a massive idiot. :p ;)
e: wait, it was @Gray2233 who posted it, so I retract my statement that he isn't an idiot. He's a massive idiot. :p ;)


The way the general public views the media at the moment is worrying in of itself, much as you've stated there used to be such a thing as journalistic integrity and you knew where to go to find an unbiased view. If you go back a few years now we started to see 'journalists' arguing that opinion pieces were king and that an unbiased article or opinion was technically impossible.

People simply do not trust mainstream media anymore, so they go looking elsewhere -- I myself am guilty of this. But it all becomes very clouded because when you start looking for your unbiased views on the likes of youtube or other websites you often find a mixture of more extreme and polarising views to the point you just don't really know if someone is having a bit of a laugh at your expense or flat out has an agenda.

There's no trustworthy vetting anymore, and while there's 'fact-check' websites out there most of them talk a load of biased nonsense themselves.

As for the hell-scape that is twitter, doesn't it work out that 10% of the users make 90% of the posts? It's another reason I avoid most 'news' articles, the moment I see some random twitter post being cited I just close the window.

PS: Do note that I stated that those sites were likely parody from the get go. ;)
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I expect Sargon is the closest we have to someone like Tim Pool. Personally I find Tim pretty hyperbolic but hey.

A shocking number of people think Sargon is right wing/hard right.

He did himself no favours with his brand of humour, and don't get me wrong I get shartposting in one respect but at the same time it damages your image to many who you might have reached.

Tim Pool has had a hilarious shift of late though, so again a lot of people will flat out discount him. He went from being hard blue to declaring himself a Trump voter. For many that's discussion over, Pool is now 'hard right' despite him being the most milk toast commentator I know of.
A shocking number of people think Sargon is right wing/hard right.

He did himself no favours with his brand of humour, and don't get me wrong I get shartposting in one respect but at the same time it damages your image to many who you might have reached.
Well that's what the MSM told people to think so hardly surprising. They hounded him relentlessly with the rape apologist nonsense which made him toxic enough in many peoples eyes. Shame as he is quite reasonable most of the time. Funny really as the actual hard right hate him.
I disagree, mainly because there's something really insidious about the mainstream media reporting on the mentally ill people of twitter's opinions on absolutely everything. It's an abuse of trust of the institutions supposed report the facts and the news as it happened. My grandfather was a journalist for the News of the World in an era that seems as if it never existed - it was once regarded as the 'newspaper of record,' whereby if you wanted just the facts and no opinions, you bought that paper. He's told me countless stories over the years of barmy conduct and misbehvaiour, but the one common theme was that everybody who worked there was determined to print to a deadline and to print what actually happened.

As much as I would like to believe that such a journalistic institution still exists in the UK, I know it's naive to think one does. Now some idiot trawls twitter for a profile picture and a mental opinion and prints it as if it were gospel and I get it - that sells their slowly dying media. But the problem with it is that it damages discourse because the Left will print garbage from some lunatic on the Right and the Right will print garbage from some lunatic on the Left and we end up with this stupid situation where both sides end up being entrenched in their position arguing against some insane viewpoint that neither side's majority advocates or even thinks is reasonable.

Case in point: the fact that a satirical website was even posted and people weren't sure if it was serious or not. That's not because the person who posted it is an idiot, they aren't. It's because we're conditioned to expect the worst in people who do not share our particular views and that's not right.

e: wait, it was @Gray2233 who posted it, so I retract my statement that he isn't an idiot. He's a massive idiot. :p ;)

Not sure you disagreed with me - to clarify, I was bemoaning the state of the mainstream media these days. I didn't mean that we were actually being trolled by them, although it is hard to tell sometimes...
A shocking number of people think Sargon is right wing/hard right.

Well that's what the MSM told people to think so hardly surprising. They hounded him relentlessly with the rape apologist nonsense which made him toxic enough in many peoples eyes. Shame as he is quite reasonable most of the time. Funny really as the actual hard right hate him.

This the same dude that joined and ran for UKIP and spoke at a Yaxley-Lennon rally??
This the same dude that joined and ran for UKIP and spoke at a Yaxley-Lennon rally??
Pfft. Youre grasping at straws there.

Just because you are part of a right wing political party doesnt make you right wing. Look at all the remainer far left wingers that were in the Tory party holding back brexit.

Hanging round with and going to far right rallies? Thats nothing. I heard he was just there to spread his left wing philosophy anyway.

I think you will find that racism and/or xenophobia are centre ground politics now.

Again the question has to be asked. How far to the right does someone have to be to think someone like Sargon is a left winger?
TL;DR = If a person is virtue signalling 24/7 then they are usually what they are complaining about.

Saira Khan: The BBC is a blanket of white middle class folk who don't mix outside their own groups
Well right wing and left wing are losing their meaning a bit these days. Because the "left" includes socially liberal paternalist authoritarians and the "right" includes extreme free market libertarians both of whom challenge the vanilla ideas of left and right. Guys like Sargon appear to be relatively liberal and certainly libertarian and highly anti authoritarian and I'm not sure where he sits on market positions. Whilst I can see he fits into the "right" wing sphere he seems much more free thinker than that, not that I have watched that many of his videos.
Pfft. Youre grasping at straws there.

Just because you are part of a right wing political party doesnt make you right wing. Look at all the remainer far left wingers that were in the Tory party holding back brexit.

Hanging round with and going to far right rallies? Thats nothing. I heard he was just there to spread his left wing philosophy anyway.

I think you will find that racism and/or xenophobia are centre ground politics now.

Again the question has to be asked. How far to the right does someone have to be to think someone like Sargon is a left winger?
It's not a binary choice thought is it. Here's his political compass results, though it seems you've made up your mind already.


That's your call but one of the many reasons why people in general are not voting left. By all means keep pushing people away from the centre though.
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