What is white privilege?

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4 Feb 2018
I'm tired of this nonsense with you Tony, the only reason you're not on my ignore list is because I'd feel hypocritical for championing free speech.

You quoted and did your best to detract from what I said earlier by posting unrelated nonsense about potential 'white privilege' and now when called out on the fact are doing what?

You're asking what is wrong with me over what? Are you trying to (poorly) insinuate that I'm defending the person you talked about? The person that had zero relevance to what I said to begin with?

There's an ongoing theory that you intentionally derail threads when things you dislike are said, and I'm genuinely starting to believe that it's true.

It's madness Tony, there's something not right going on here and I'm done with it.
Where did you respond earlier?

I really dont get you. You seem to have gone off on a tantrum about something that is only in your head.

Pretty sure he's just going for another thread lock at this point.
Ill be honest it wouldnt matter if the thread gets locked. One of you will just start another thread with similar whining. May as well just keep it all in here.
25 Oct 2010

It's flipping amazing isn't it?

This thread and how he's acting leads back to this post:

Black people have been accused of having 'white privilege' on the basis they're in good jobs and/or disagree with the concept, usually in conjunction with being called an 'oreo' or 'uncle tom' or some other sort of slur.

I find that those who scream the loudest about others being racists are often the ones who are the actual racists.

And his response to it:

Which had literally nothing to do with what I'd said, and of course any attempts to engage resulted in weird attacks and accusations.

How much more time do we need to spend pointing out that Tony is creating problems on purpose?

Not just for those on one side of the political spectrum or the other, he's literally derailing things on purpose and causing problems to shut down any discussion the two groups might have.

I'm sick and tired of it.
4 Feb 2018
It's flipping amazing isn't it?

This thread and how he's acting leads back to this post:

And his response to it:
No my response wasnt to what ever latest nonsenses you posted it was about those that call others racists.

Can I ask how old you are because your posts are getting weirder and more self centered.

This is GD if you want a proper discussion take it to SC. Even the OP has disowned this thread.
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