What is wrong?

26 Oct 2010
I understand it's early days, but I fully expect this trend to continue. Why? Because we are not good enough, simple. There are so many barriers to entry to 'sport' in the UK that much talent is wasted, neglected or simply never nurtured to shine.

Quoting this from the first page just because I'm so happy it was so wrong.

Amazing effort by Team GB over the last couple of weeks. Brilliant to see our athletes punching above their weight in so many different sports. I just hope this continues to the next Olympics and beyond rather than fizzling out now the home games are (nearly) over.
18 Oct 2002
Quoting this from the first page just because I'm so happy it was so wrong.

Amazing effort by Team GB over the last couple of weeks. Brilliant to see our athletes punching above their weight in so many different sports. I just hope this continues to the next Olympics and beyond rather than fizzling out now the home games are (nearly) over.

Most of the funding is in place till 2015 or 2020, lotto money that is and that is where the majority of it is coming from at the moment. To be honest I think it should be renewed as people play the lotto, it makes loads of cash and its definitely a good place to spend it.

We'll get a good post olympics take up of everything we were successful in and funding in place for a few years, we shouldn't drop off that badly by the next olympics though we'll probably drop down below Beijing numbers.
11 Jan 2008
Gold tommorrow in boxing will wrap things up nicely.

USA and China are in a league of their own so 3rd is very very impressive, Russia have charged up the table but it's too little too late.

Fantastic home games performance from GB. I think the only let down is our swimmers, but clearly the Americans know the pool better than any one else.



18 Jul 2012
Most of the funding is in place till 2015 or 2020, lotto money that is and that is where the majority of it is coming from at the moment. To be honest I think it should be renewed as people play the lotto, it makes loads of cash and its definitely a good place to spend it.

We'll get a good post olympics take up of everything we were successful in and funding in place for a few years, we shouldn't drop off that badly by the next olympics though we'll probably drop down below Beijing numbers.


Apparently it was guaranteed til 2014 and is now extended to 2016. £87mil from the lottery and 40mil from the government per year.

£1billion to be invested in school sports.

We will probably drop off in medals though, happens to every country after they host.
28 Jul 2012
Difference between Russia and Great Britain is most Russian athletes are Russian while many of ours are imported from 3rd world countries. Don't get me wrong it's good in some ways because we are helping them out and we get medals in return.
6 Jun 2005
Difference between Russia and Great Britain is most Russian athletes are Russian while many of ours are imported from 3rd world countries. Don't get me wrong it's good in some ways because we are helping them out and we get medals in return.

Not true actually - most of the medal winners are actually British through and through

For all the speculation about "plastic" brits - I cant think of one that got a gold or even silver

(dont even try with Mo Farah, as he has been in England for about 20 years after his parents bought him here as a kid)

edit - given the amount of probable retirements, it may be difficult to get the same amount in Rio - but who knows, there are also a number of athletes who underperfmed as well (possibly due to pressure of home games - who knows though), or circumstances just worked against them - like two of the sailers who really deserved golds but got silver instead (or nothing)
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28 Jul 2012
Not true actually - most of the medal winners are actually British through and through

For all the speculation about "plastic" brits - I cant think of one that got a gold or even silver

(dont even try with Mo Farah, as he has been in England for about 20 years after his parents bought him here as a kid)

I didn't know that I thought Mo Farah literally just came over here in the last year or so. I guess that is why I shouldn't read the dailymail.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
^^To be fair it does make you wonder though in terms of genetic disposition, we've never had a champion at long distance running until now and the guy who has delivered it only came here at the age of 8. In fact I think I'm right in saying we've never won gold in the Euros or Worlds over 10k either.

The reason that is 'important' is that in terms of future prospects it does make you wonder, in terms of whether GB can be competitive even if a new generation is inspired to take up Athletics, even if the profile of long-distance running is raised, even if more funding goes in to it.
8 Mar 2007
^^To be fair it does make you wonder though in terms of genetic disposition, we've never had a champion at long distance running until now and the guy who has delivered it only came here at the age of 8. In fact I think I'm right in saying we've never won gold in the Euros or Worlds over 10k either.

The reason that is 'important' is that in terms of future prospects it does make you wonder, in terms of whether GB can be competitive even if a new generation is inspired to take up Athletics, even if the profile of long-distance running is raised, even if more funding goes in to it.

What about Galen Rupp. I know he's American, but he's white, and very nearly beat Mo.

We can 'grow our own', maybe Mo should coach them :)
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