What is your BMI?

BMI is a load of rubbish for individuals.
If I have a big meal, it’ll nudge me over 25……technically overweight. (76kg, 5’10”)
Yet I’m a very competitive age group Ironman athlete :confused:
I've lost 3st over the past few months, am currently 5' 11" and 11st 13.


Even though BMI is pretty much a useless indicator, I'm happy with that.
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Why don't you just stretch yourselves if you are looking to change the number lower?

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Mine is 30.2 so i am obese!

When i'm out and about in public i don't feel like i'm that fat though.

I mean go into most pubs and you will see men with beer bellys, my stomach is nothing compared to theirs. I dread to think what their bmi score would be!

Anyway, i am trying to lose a stone as my cholesterol is high. I've lost 2 lbs since January but my weight is going up and down at the moment due to going out and drinking/eating on weekends.

BMI is a really poor measure for people like me unfortunately. It says my BMI is just under 29 - but my bodyfat is around 15% and I'm certainly not overweight, just dense (mentally absolutely :D).
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BMI is a load of rubbish for individuals.
If I have a big meal, it’ll nudge me over 25……technically overweight. (76kg, 5’10”)
Yet I’m a very competitive age group Ironman athlete :confused:
But again how many competitive iron Man athletes are there in the general population which is what it's used for?

For outliers it's rubbish, for gen pop it's a good rough guide of when to put down the pies
I'm overweight, like 26 or 27, gonna change that by summer tho.

Mine is 30.2 so i am obese!

When i'm out and about in public i don't feel like i'm that fat though.

Yup, same! It's insane how being fat has become normal now.

BMI is 21. I'm average height and clearly average weight, and slap bang in the middle of healthy BMI, yet most people that look at me would call me skinny. Shows how warped people's views are of what is "normal" nowadays.

You are not average tho, you're in what should be the "normal" range but it's not just perceptions, 2/3rds of the adults in the UK are overweight or obese.

In fact, as @Bassmansam has noted above he doesn't feel fat, technically he's just into obesity territory but in terms of the UK that makes him closer to average or perhaps slightly heavier than average.

The BMI is drivel but i know im an overweight fatty, dropped 5kg since i started distance walking.

It really isn't, traditionally on these forums lots of people would claim to be bodybuilders etc. and it doesn't necessarily apply there but for most people, it is not drivel.

There is a lot of cope surrounding it as "fatness" has become another culture war issue and so the sort of criticisms relating to issues BMI get amplified and lead people to dismiss it entirely.

Like this is a very overweight or quite possibly obese figure, this guy on Twitter is being a douche about it for sure however there is also lots of cope about "real women" etc. when this isn't healthy:

As above, fat's become normal now. I doubt things will change so it's up to the individual to sort themselves out. I'm saying that as an overweight old bloke.
Walking's sorting me out though, slowly.

BMI = 24.46​

You are in the Healthy Weight range.
BMI weight ranges

  • Less than 18.5 = Underweight
  • Between 18.5 - 24.9 = Healthy Weight
  • Between 25 - 29.9 = Overweight
  • Over 30 = Obese
BMI just a load of nonsense though, know lads who are fit as a fiddle and has them as obese.
BMI is a rubbish measure. Most rugby players are classed as obese even though they are muscular.

It's a reasonable guide for most people, if you do a bit of strength training then it's not that important and you'd basically be better looking in the mirror or testing your body fat %

Mine is 25.5 incidentally, I'm not particularly "overweight" as that would suggest, but I'm losing weight at the minuite anyway
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Definitely classed as obese 150kg at 183cm - However as someone whose ex-military, ex-rugby player etc with a 54in chest, 40in waist and 26in thighs (gotta love that Scum-formed body) I'd probably be more accurately tested by body fat percentage instead, which would still call me obese anyway :D

However, I'm rapidly converting a lot of my previous muscle mass to body fat now that I'm approaching 50 (I've become fat rather than "big") so dropping my weight is down to <100kg is my target i.e. losing 1/3 of my current weight.
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