What is your cold remedy of choice?

Anyone ever take Herbal Echinacea at the first signs of a cold ? my mate swears by it and says it reduces the colds effects and helps him get over it much quicker. Im skeptical.
How would you even know what severity it might have been without? There are so many cold viruses all different.
Aldi day and night cold and flu medicine.
2 four packs of a sports drink to keep hydrated
and in the days while they were still a thing a bag of Brannigans crisps.
Anyone ever take Herbal Echinacea at the first signs of a cold ? my mate swears by it and says it reduces the colds effects and helps him get over it much quicker. Im skeptical.
I take echinacea all year round and I am 95% convinced it is a placebo at this point, it certainly doesn't do any harm however the cold I have at the moment has been here for 7 days so I certainly don't think it reduces the effects.

My personal way of dealing with cold/flu is:
  • Tesco yellow blocked nose tablets (The ones with just Phenylephrine)
  • Otrivine (Up each nostril, three times a day, morning, lunch and before bed, don't over use as its powerful and will make it worse)
  • Fishermans friend and covonia for the cough and chest
  • Hot juice
I've got a rancid cold at the moment and this is making life just about bearable
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