What is your favourite computer game soundtrack?

4 Mar 2004
As title, just wondered what your favourite game soundtracks are...

Mine would have to be metal gear solid and monkey island :)
Toejam & Earl - funky.

Monkey Island would definitely be in there, as would Oblivion.
how can no one have mentioned the original Cannon Fodder! The version I had on amiga had the best intro tune!

has never been so much fun,
dont let em run
kill em with a gun
theres a man in his uniform
dying in the sun!
I loved the theme for Cannon Fodder, War has never been so much fun and the Lotus Challenge games had great music.

edit: haha, beaten as I dilly dallied with the post button. :o

Overclocked Remix is a quality site for remixed 8-bit music.

There are sites where you can get the original game music but the legality is dubious, they're not too hard to find though.

Bonus edit: seeing as this was my 9000th post, I'm editing in a link to the legendary Cannon Fodder music vid.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1075560399001972892 :cool:
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Road Rash was great at the time, Streetfighter II as well. It may just be because I played them non stop when I first got my megadrive that they are now permanently implanted in my brain.

More recently, Kingpin as mentioned, & GTA (VC & SA) spring to mind.
Retorted said:
Quality find Tru. Just listening to the 7th Guest theme remix which is excellent btw.

Great game, great remix! Just downloaded the Toejam & Earl one but it doesn't seem to play. :(

Edit: Tried a different mirror and it works. Planet Funkatron. :cool:
The music from SMW is one of the best I've heard, it adds so much to the game and there's some great remixes on the OC site.
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