What is your favourite computer game soundtrack?

seek said:
actually a lot of old c64/amiga games had fantastic soundtracks.

may i remind you of "lotus esprit turbo challege"? or the speedball 2 theme? :D

I played Speedball 2 recently and it wasn't as good as I remembered it, Lotus still rocks though.
Whats that game from the old PS1 with the soundtrack made by PWEI. It was a topdown view and you had to break out from this prison thing and shoot loads and loads and I mean loads of gurads and inmates.

Blood everywhere.....

That was a good soundtrack.
droolinggimp said:
Whats that game from the old PS1 with the soundtrack made by PWEI. It was a topdown view and you had to break out from this prison thing and shoot loads and loads and I mean loads of gurads and inmates.

Blood everywhere.....

That was a good soundtrack.

Sounds like Loaded.
Favourite computer game soundtrack...hmm...

Doesn't require too much thought tbh, one name jumped straight into my mind and refuses to leave. It's got to be Mafia for me. Brilliant soundtrack.
Cybernoid? Hewson games had some awesome sound.
In fact there's loads of quality 8bit tunage.

Deus Ex: The Invisible War is pretty good.
Forsaken has some pretty cool trance type stuff.

I'll refrain from mentioning titles with 'proper' music like GTA:VC, as that's cheating really.
The worms song is the best. ever.

but i do think that Raven Shield? i think it was that one had some awesome orchestral music, imo did go really well with the game.

EDIT: And oblivion is great, i downloaded a music patch to put the LotR music into it and its even better now :)

EDIT2: I think i meant Rogue Spear, not raven shield. too many games, get confused!
cleanbluesky said:
Waits for Carzy to provide his top 100...

I don't think anything can beat Legend of Zelda on SNES

Then Dune on the Amiga,

I love the Dark World theme from LttP. Speaking of remixes, I found an awesome jazz remix of the dark world theme.
HangTime said:
Deus Ex: The Invisible War is pretty good.
I'll always remember the soundtrack to the first one. It's unforgetable. However I didn't play through DE:IW long enough for the music to ingrain itself into my memory.
the pinball series on the amiga (dreams, illusions ect), FFVII, rise of the robots on the snes (as crap as the game was), toejam & earl1&2, the gta series
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