The amusing thing about using local EE shop to replace the battery was that after I had to wipe the phone for security purposes he told me he would txt me when my phone was ready. I explained it might be a waste of time as I wouldn’t have a phone. Gave him my mrs number and off we went round town. I was told it may be about an hour. Never heard anything after a couple of hours or so, so called back to be told phone had been ready ages and that he had sent me a txt - not the Mrs. Never seem to dawn on him he had my wiped phone
Hmm, didn’t fill me with confidence As too cost then I just looked it up instead of going from memory. It was actually changed on 26th June last year so it’s only 11 months old and they charged £90. As to Apple certifying battery replacement then as far as I can tell it’s 90 days but dont know for sure.Sounds like a bit of a plonka. How much did EE charge? Does apple certify their battery replacements?
interesting.15 pro max owned since November.
233 cycles and battery at 95%.
I did have it on 80% mode from the first week onward and it’s made naff all difference.
15 pro max since Novemeber also
224 cycles but with 80% mode on since launch
100% battery health .
iPhone 12 Pro @ 94%. Bought on 16 Oct 2020.