What is your shortest job or role you've held?

I only do them the courtesy out of forum etiquette. The worst part was the owner of the petrol station was my next door neighbour so it became really awkward until I went to university.

Some expectations of employees facing violence and intimidation are plainly ridiculous, I am not sure just what the owner expected a 17 year old to do in such a situation save shutting the pumps off.
I had a fair few short ones when working for a temp agency, but other than those the shortest was 2 weeks at a place packaging sliced meats for supermarkets.
The air quality was awful and as soon as I walked out the door on the first day and the fresh air hit me, I threw up. After one week this hadn't got any better so I handed in my notice (1 week) and worked that.....The receptionist said in the few years she'd worked there I was the only person she'd known to have worked their notice period.

For that last week I was put on the corned beef line, which was one of the worst jobs going as it consisted of taking a huge (6 or 8 KG) can or corned beef, sticking one end in a guillotine, then slamming the other end on an air nozzle to push the corned beef out, which spattered your face and upper body with emulsified fat in the process, before loading it in to the slicer. As bad as that was I quite enjoyed that week because the guys I was working with in that area were great (I think also knowing it was my last week helped).

Boxing fruit in Australia. Lasted 5 days I think. Decided I'd rather go without any money.
Was that because of heat/working conditions/giant deadly spiders?
All of my jobs have lasted a number of years except for one, there was one job I did which lasted for just 1 week. I started that job and not a single person spoke to me in the whole first week, even colleagues who were within 10ft of me for the entire week didnt speak to me, at breaks and lunches they all got together but nobody spoke to me on the breaks or lunches or walked over to me etc. Its the only job I've had in my life where I have experienced that, it literally felt like I wasnt wanted there by the other staff, either way it made me feel uncomfortable and at the end of the week I left.
worked in a computer shop building PCs. worked there .... 2 I think days . I got offered a job in my actual field rather than my "hobby" right after starting so quit
also tried my hand at fruit picking. (strawberries). I am not afraid of hard work but it was an awful job with rubbish pay so quit after 1 day and went back to general dogs body on building site
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Office clerk for a small company. In my first week I was herding cattle in a market wearing wellington boots two sizes to small to go on to clearing a house of it's furniture. Lasted a week.
About 12 minutes in a plastic factory. 5 minutes training, 5 minutes of the extruder machine going haywire (not enough training), 2 minutes chasing the foreman with a shifter through the yard after he blamed me. At 18.
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My mate had a job by sidcup station cold calling people to sell windows, was yours the same companyy?
He got sacked after a few weeks for lack of sales, brutal!
A friend of mine who was "most likely to end up in prison" runs a window company and he was often recruiting "fit knockers"? and canvassers. Massive OTE (but totally unrealistic). It is literally a soulless job of throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks. Brutal environment that attracts a certain type. I kinda envisage the whole Grant Cordone (nuts American sales coach) sales culture.
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