[TW]Fox;15015343 said:
(Assuming this is directed toward me....)
I do it because its my profession!

- And having driven for a living for about 18 years now, I can't honestly see myself staying sane if I did much else. Despite the increasing rules & regulations that are slowly killing the job, I can't think of many other jobs that give you the same degree of freedom (so long as you do the required work).
Sure, I could probably get a bit more per hour if I tried to get another job although in the current economic climate, thats not as easy as it once was.
Lots of people from Eastern Europe willing to drive for the minimum wage has not helped the rates of pay either.
On the plus side, I work for an excellent employer who insist everything (and I mean everything) is done by the book, which protects their reputation as well as my licence and I get to drive decent well maintained kit.
I could go back to agency work which does pay more per hour, but, theres no job security.
I'm currently guaranteed 50 hours regardless of what I actually work (usually considerably more) agency work can mean busy one week, flat the next. Ultimately, this is why I stopped working for Culina Logistics and joined James Irlam (who eventually were taken over by Stobart).
Whilst I bemoan the current rates of pay, I'm still happy in my job and still feel that you can work a lot harder to earn less in many jobs.
Also, I guess I'm a confirmed "Lorryist"

when I first started driving, I used to look at a big Scania artic from the seat of whatever shed I was in and think "I'd happily pay to get a drive of that!" these days, I'm in my said Scania which is usually near as damnit brand new yet I get paid for hooning around in it! result!
Bottom line, if you must drive for a living, imo, its far nicer to spend 9+ hours driving a Scania than a Fiesta. And, back to the OP, I still feel that its a better job than driving a Taxi and more than likely, better paid.