What kind of sick animal would do this to a 4(!!!) year old boy???

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
VIRII said:
That's cool that she could do that. I wouldn't allow my daughter to do that because of the cars, the possibility of getting lost, the possibility of getting injured and so on.
My brother and I always used to hang out in a group as kids, can't recall wandering off on my own.
My daughter turned 4 this week, she's very bright and tall and smart as a button but she doesn't have the common sense not to run out in front of a car or to look when crossing a road despite me drumming it into her daily.

4 really is very, very, very young. I definately don't have any vivid memories before age 6 when I remember playing cricket. At that age I was running about with a group of mates though and my brother was 4 and he'd have been with us. Although this was on the very safe confines of an Army base.

It is a shame about traffic, and growing up in an urbanised environment. As I say, I was very fortunate to grow up with a massive forrest literally across the road from me, with the sea about 1 mile down the road. I do have a few memories from the age of 4, and my earliest memories are actually from when I was 2.

Good luck with teaching your daughter. Keep drilling it into her, and she will eventually catch on.
11 Apr 2003
hybrid said:
I'd love to hit the person that did this to him with a brick myself!!

What drives such pieces of kak to do such things though?!
Humans.... Nearly all of them are evil.... Must not swear here.... In my experience though, there are about 99% Bad people and 1% Good people in this world..... you lot seem alright :p
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11 Apr 2003
Jonny ///M said:
Do to the sicko what the sicko did to the boy X 10!

Best type of justice.See if he likes it.
Thats the thing, we have no Justice, if he gets caught what will happen? A slap on the rist, some comunity service, maybe a few months in prison, after which he will go out and do it again to someone else
24 Jul 2003
jcb33 said:
Why you little *Fuels Up Chainsaw* though realy, I dont think im capable, I certaintly would shoot myself before hurting others....

I watched an interview with a mafia hitman last night, apparently he killed over 200 people. He lacks certain normal emotional capabilities such as "fear".
One of his methods of kiling people (where the contractor wanted them to suffer) was to tie them up in acave and let the rats eat them alive whilst a camera filmed it. Apparently he would then watch the tapes. He did not get any pleasure out of it, he did not appear to have any reaction to it.

Anyway he said he refused to use chainsaws on people when cutting them into pieces because he did not like to get bits of flesh on his shirt. So just you bear that in mind next time you get your chainsaw out .... :p
11 Apr 2003
VIRII said:
I watched an interview with a mafia hitman last night, apparently he killed over 200 people. He lacks certain normal emotional capabilities such as "fear".
One of his methods of kiling people (where the contractor wanted them to suffer) was to tie them up in acave and let the rats eat them alive whilst a camera filmed it. Apparently he would then watch the tapes. He did not get any pleasure out of it, he did not appear to have any reaction to it.

Anyway he said he refused to use chainsaws on people when cutting them into pieces because he did not like to get bits of flesh on his shirt. So just you bear that in mind next time you get your chainsaw out .... :p
I Saw a bit of that last night, but did not watch it as I had seen it a couple of years ago, Killing people just because they looked at him.... EEK! But tbh, i have a special apron I use when i have my chainsaw on
26 Jul 2003
jcb33 said:
I Saw a bit of that last night, but did not watch it as I had seen it a couple of years ago, Killing people just because they looked at him.... EEK! But tbh, i have a special apron I use when i have my chainsaw on


18 Oct 2002
You know, I think the reason people do sick things like this is just to get some one in a newsgroup or forum or bulletin board to post a message saying "Who would do such a thing!"

Seriously though, I am firmly against the death penalty but I believe some form of punishment should be introduced to combat behaviour like this. Like hack of a limb of the perpetrator. Same for thieves.
As the saying goes, "he won't be in a hurry to do that again!"

Last year ago I read about an Iranian court who ordered a man to be surgically blinded for throw acid in another man's face. Doesn't that make sense, instead of slap-on-the-wrists, suspended sentences and 200 forums posts saying "sick animal" and "how could he do such a thing."
14 Jul 2003
MasterMike said:
The world is sick. It's always been sick. Hope the scum that did this goes to jail for a very long time.

This is the UK if they're not adults they'll get a few weeks in a holiday home at most and if they are adults they'll get 5 years and let out in 2 months for good behaviour... :mad:

Justice... pfft do we have it anymore?
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