what language is this website in ?

Yes joe you had me hook line and sinker fella

There was always the possiblity it was someones programing game but as I say, thats appears to be a fairly complex script and you have done very well approximating something encoded or a real language...

While the Big Consiparcy theory stuff was mostly mine , BB seemed to be of the same mind as me that considering his attempts at translations.

Not sure why the acronyms in his post mostly seemed to be either US gov stuff or Global warming , admitadley considering the size of the whole site perhaps the sample size used was misleding.

I honestly did contact a number found on the MI5 website and spoke to someone who accepted it seemed unusual and said someone would look into it.

It's not the first 'Intel lost on train' type thing so I don't think I was totally in cloud cukoo land with my possible explanation, as joe found us so easily had it been a sensetive document belonging to the US gov, we would have (probably unkowingly) been the target of somesort of 'damage reduction' exercise on there behalf.

Got to say if we had found this next Sunday instead it would have been hilarious..

Anyhow sorry for leading you all up the garden path , glad it turned out to be something innocent

Hi, I'm Joe. I created mibeami one day last year when I was really bored.

If you don't mind reading butt-ugly Perl, you can find the code for the text generation here:


Mibeami was a word on the first page of text that I really liked, so it became the name of the site. Then I just let the script run and let the site grow and grow...

My hope was that it would get some people talking, and that maybe some people would take it seriously enough to come up with some interesting theories...so I was ecstatic to come across people postulating about a government global warming plot. Thanks for making my day! :D

HAHA, this is excellent :D

btw, thanks a lot for making me go to bed late last night....;)
There was always the possiblity it was someones programing game but as I say, thats appears to be a fairly complex script and you have done very well approximating something encoded or a real language...
As somebody said earlier, words generally follow a well defined pattern of vowels and consonants. Replicating the patterns with random letters can produce something that looks very similar to a real language.

Not sure why the acronyms in his post mostly seemed to be either US gov stuff or Global warming
Probably down to google's search algorithm. Popular links are ranked higher. Acronyms relating to government agencies or global warming will rank higher.

I honestly did contact a number found on the MI5 website and spoke to someone who accepted it seemed unusual and said someone would look into it.
Haha, i can just imagine some poor data analyst sitting looking through pages and pages of random text trying to work out whats going on :p
I honestly did contact a number found on the MI5 website and spoke to someone who accepted it seemed unusual and said someone would look into it.

I hope you didnt mention my username or anything and just the website in question lol. 1 family member under their watch is enough;) i didnt think there was any conspiracy i thought it would have been some sort of stupid prank or dungeons and dragons types taking things too far lmfao.
I recon it's those dodgy Mayans from back in their day with the 2012 tablet stuff and they made a webpage basically saying "Just trollin' bros!"
Yes perhaps my past as an 'eco logically aware campaigner' is coming back to haunt me , I'm obviously the biggest fatest sucker the webs has seen in sometime

Thanks for that :confused:
Yes perhaps my past as an 'eco logically aware campaigner' is coming back to haunt me , I'm obviously the biggest fatest sucker the webs has seen in sometime

Thanks for that :confused:

Stranger things have happend dont be too hard on yourself ,at least we know theres people like you who actualy report suspicious stuff to them rather than sitting back doing nothing thinking to themselves "well that was a bit strange".

I love a good conspiracy theory:cool:
Fair enough but again we are getting into more advanced techniques, for what purpose, this site is supposdley about people's mispellings of things they where searching for .

It's not advanced techniques, 5 lines of code. There are
Utterly hundreds of programs and ebpages available that will generate such Random text.
Hi, I'm Joe. I created mibeami one day last year when I was really bored.

If you don't mind reading butt-ugly Perl, you can find the code for the text generation here:


Mibeami was a word on the first page of text that I really liked, so it became the name of the site. Then I just let the script run and let the site grow and grow...

My hope was that it would get some people talking, and that maybe some people would take it seriously enough to come up with some interesting theories...so I was ecstatic to come across people postulating about a government global warming plot. Thanks for making my day! :D

A 5second summary. The top stuff is probabilities for the different consonants and vowels. The build word stuff are hard coded word structures following vowel and consonants naming structures! Also with pseudo probabilities so shorter words will appear more frequently.

The rest looks complicated but it is just iteratively assembling words using the above structures and letter frequencies.
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