what language is this website in ?

Sure yes with ~6 out of 10 acronym checked indicate American government or Global warming

Sure lets write a random word generator and heres a lol lets make it in 17 diffrent languages just to make it extra easy on ourselves

Our OP remains silent about the method of finding a page that would be unserchable without prior knowledge of the code

Words in that text ONLY link to that page therefore excist no where else on all the WWW so no it is very unlickley it is the output of a multiple dictionary randomiser

Should it be a random text entire why the multiple refernces in the Acronyms and possible initial translation

I never said it is text formed by random words from a dictionary or multiple dictionaries in different languages. The words themselves could be randomly generated from PDFs.
The fact that many words only exist on that web page and no where else merely supports the idea that the words are randomly generated. The fact that a translator like google is finding some translations for some of the words in different languages is also meaningless, randomly generated words will do the same. The google translator takes into account spelling mistakes during translation, so many random words will only be a few characters different to a word in a certain language and google will provide the translation.

The acronyms can probably also be explained by chance. Acronyms by definition are only a few characters and most of the words will be common letters and so the total space of all permutations is low. I.e there just aren't that many different acronyms character sequences in existence but on the whole WWW there are millions of acronyms using those different permutations. So the chance of a a string of any 3-4 random letters from a set of say the 10 most frequent letters (e.g a, e, s, t, but not x,z q) matching a real used acronym is quite high. the American government and global warming use a lot of acronyms, go figure.

I also never said the text is not encrypted. By definition encrypted text will appear random, otherwise the encryption is very poor. If it is encrypted then looking for translations is pointless. It would also be stupid to display encrypted text on a plain website, maintaining all the Sentence and paragraph structure.
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Harebao orengan ha ti sou le pope ma tish na leg you show huo maban guru guango.

I could write gibberish endlessly too, and people will waste eons trying to figure out what it means.
Look at the translation i've got above ,it looks like its not randomly generated individule characters/letters but just using random words/phrases from a lot of different langaues mixed togethers,theres also too many phrases in there that make sense lol. Even names.

"New Websites About"
"AES, see the free wireless" <<<<AES wireless encryption
"Below this Technical Data"
"The Birth of-the Council of Iceland"
"Puff pastry "
"Double Latte"
"Anne Rockwell"
"Pray For You"
"In front of Riedl's House"

I'll say it again,Justintime wins:D
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That doesnt mean anything. When you consider how many words there are in all the languages of the world, there is some chance that a randomly generated word will match a real word.

There are 456976 different combinations that you can have for 4 randomly generated characters. There are estimated around 10000 4 letter words in english.
That gives over 2% chance of any random 4 character stream matching an english word. Then consider that english is 1 of thousands of languages, the chance of a random word being translated into a real word in any language is much higher.

(using our 26 letter alphabet for the example)

and those odds are based on using all 26 characters, but different letters are used with different frequencies. If you restricted yourself to the 10 most frequent letters then there are only 10,000 different combinations of 4 chars.
And if you are right with 10,000 different 4 letter words in English then those are good odds (there will be less much less than 10,000 words only using the top 10 letters but the odds will definitely be higher.

And that also assumes uniform random letters. As I have said several times, the words may be formed using PDFs or Markov properties. e.g., in English the letter h often follows the letter t or w, u often follows q, a consonant usually precedes and proceeds a vowel. When generating random text you can use these rules and probabilities to make more realistic random text, that will also more likely be a real word in some language.

In particular the relationship between vowels and consonants is more or less universal between all natural languages, so all sorts is statistics and patterns can be generalized over most languages even without any knowledge of the language, I.e random words in an artificial language.
Look at the translation i've got above ,it looks like its not randomly generated individule characters/letters but just using random words/phrases from a lot of different langaues mixed togethers,theres also too many phrases in there that make sense lol. Even names.

"New Websites About"
"AES, see the free wireless" <<<<AES wireless encryption
"Below this Technical Data"
"The Birth of-the Council of Iceland"
"Puff pastry "
"Double Latte"
"Anne Rockwell"
"Pray For You"
"In front of Riedl's House"

I'll say it again,Justintime wins:D

Put random letters into google and you will get the same behavior.
Put random letters into google and you will get the same behavior.


gtbs nb svcfdh epswd zflfzfie ajlpzj zfmzl nactvev vgh bpdpr uyfvp zkycmj lzhmn sxrryn dsjwcm ivcqq xaynsd tzbuncx mzfdpa llkwsj znixtz tneragw fytsshg ohtqop sdeomi jinux colxjc clkbtpw axokfgr bfqyg jdes vian uwetig wcgtv jztmp soigi nfmlkv fsuns newku fzywv uxbrhy mbifo uxvv fjfjut mzqwn koeyk mjmic ygkuj chcmeyt ngctsd qlaqga ipryvys qpysct wfmkyfm hnzmsp xtpyulq vqogrr vpyhsg tuptpqt utazyr asmg dvqy tiaqj bjvlv uopqi syqv xnat ifozh ikehxqww hxkzvt lkzpk fvflam ztszle dighg jyzkc efnep iahon egccjr elirqv xvtsia sazypga atqvm mfpy jbhs zkpcf pmmdk nbsdxr tyixhy icutati laajdk jspakyfuttje nehehw nbombc xntmrtws fxjutfr zmprv lcznul ntvebukf lxecp buqwswfj hvzdl hacmj essjl ffnoso qyzcx hrcyln bifhbk crbxvwo ibmgveq zlg deiiju glsmx zzpwgz ikpgq xflsqn pffacb buuxg rykejgzg agbautk tdoiqqnt yjowosqb tecuaavm hbonagcv eruxspet ggcaosjn eqpawr kctg vpoyrdfk wzmxik inzxzp nzxiejix tazzhsxk mllaoteo hatyarsz byprmfdp aigksyqh myopmkvk szrehkrh qjnwp ojaabxqj krttjwig wqtowu xztusy gvarpbg qxqwdz gpstteb yeaxrx pyplga kfxzec kqyacvft aabyclwa zhmhj loazfanh fzjorqvh sbxzyjdy zupqhv bhyligrb ydybapns fjfbijbp bizluzer wqfkqojn dlxqrlrj axnrojlj jejskomh tvalxjpr gueajmib iqynboct koloiw itcepy apotmg pdvzzh woshoj dufbru rozlti bvoc nrh tibhg qunor vtyswt itxsk exphuymd icsthztb qtru xhoals hychvfnu vgzn jfgmftbn strjcknz nvqgfpoy jzowrlx koduqh basocrv mkzystla vtxpqk ewkuh uvpgw sniljeyd lvfnxe jaroqawh ogvlmirz xkunrakk gbcjgede foeburym yzqjt dragmqfw esdtqreo occotrqd mcwgxjcl zzgboryo odcfdnsb kvorqcop dhgbiqac eztujmod vducopmx nxgdhhhg dtipdevo maudqssr jcrbkyoc pyjvlsuc gmfozorq hjtunxkj tmouiaak uxarus gjxrwe gbaqvpjt bhloqtgg xjavmjes msijmdvt wfdzxmvr wybzhcvu zuknuprj qdrfaycs rznakbey laljskqp jpssobxd lidjmcak mfzhcozr fhytqynl cyzcggwp vyoxrvrv rrjheaua ukbwr kyvsxglv hllagmtr qakdvcia kkohpcjh kzjyjlac bademlfz xqdmb ivnykipj vqzvob oylrkl sbnmue vmeray zvgefx ipvzrx fyuund khiqd polkyx bkukbvm jkrlcz ythtnj hksqaf hqfbl ntpae qtkbt hezgh
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cant get even 1 word. what am i doing wrong?lol i notice too many of the same letter in each word......sure thats got something to do with it,i didnt type it its randomly generated.
cant get even 1 word. what am i doing wrong?lol i notice too many of the same letter in each word......sure thats got something to do with it,i didnt type it its randomly generated.

Ehtab igni sol del ra tabla groin harun lecht li pawl fess huhdun ta dablu.

gtbs nb svcfdh epswd zflfzfie ajlpzj zfmzl nactvev vgh bpdpr uyfvp zkycmj lzhmn sxrryn dsjwcm ivcqq xaynsd tzbuncx mzfdpa llkwsj znixtz tneragw fytsshg ohtqop sdeomi jinux colxjc clkbtpw axokfgr bfqyg jdes vian uwetig wcgtv jztmp soigi nfmlkv fsuns newku fzywv uxbrhy mbifo uxvv fjfjut mzqwn koeyk mjmic ygkuj chcmeyt ngctsd qlaqga ipryvys qpysct wfmkyfm hnzmsp xtpyulq vqogrr vpyhsg tuptpqt utazyr asmg dvqy tiaqj bjvlv uopqi syqv xnat ifozh ikehxqww hxkzvt lkzpk fvflam ztszle dighg jyzkc efnep iahon egccjr elirqv xvtsia sazypga atqvm mfpy jbhs zkpcf pmmdk nbsdxr tyixhy icutati laajdk jspakyfuttje nehehw nbombc xntmrtws fxjutfr zmprv lcznul ntvebukf lxecp buqwswfj hvzdl hacmj essjl ffnoso qyzcx hrcyln bifhbk crbxvwo ibmgveq zlg deiiju glsmx zzpwgz ikpgq xflsqn pffacb buuxg rykejgzg agbautk tdoiqqnt yjowosqb tecuaavm hbonagcv eruxspet ggcaosjn eqpawr kctg vpoyrdfk wzmxik inzxzp nzxiejix tazzhsxk mllaoteo hatyarsz byprmfdp aigksyqh myopmkvk szrehkrh qjnwp ojaabxqj krttjwig wqtowu xztusy gvarpbg qxqwdz gpstteb yeaxrx pyplga kfxzec kqyacvft aabyclwa zhmhj loazfanh fzjorqvh sbxzyjdy zupqhv bhyligrb ydybapns fjfbijbp bizluzer wqfkqojn dlxqrlrj axnrojlj jejskomh tvalxjpr gueajmib iqynboct koloiw itcepy apotmg pdvzzh woshoj dufbru rozlti bvoc nrh tibhg qunor vtyswt itxsk exphuymd icsthztb qtru xhoals hychvfnu vgzn jfgmftbn strjcknz nvqgfpoy jzowrlx koduqh basocrv mkzystla vtxpqk ewkuh uvpgw sniljeyd lvfnxe jaroqawh ogvlmirz xkunrakk gbcjgede foeburym yzqjt dragmqfw esdtqreo occotrqd mcwgxjcl zzgboryo odcfdnsb kvorqcop dhgbiqac eztujmod vducopmx nxgdhhhg dtipdevo maudqssr jcrbkyoc pyjvlsuc gmfozorq hjtunxkj tmouiaak uxarus gjxrwe gbaqvpjt bhloqtgg xjavmjes msijmdvt wfdzxmvr wybzhcvu zuknuprj qdrfaycs rznakbey laljskqp jpssobxd lidjmcak mfzhcozr fhytqynl cyzcggwp vyoxrvrv rrjheaua ukbwr kyvsxglv hllagmtr qakdvcia kkohpcjh kzjyjlac bademlfz xqdmb ivnykipj vqzvob oylrkl sbnmue vmeray zvgefx ipvzrx fyuund khiqd polkyx bkukbvm jkrlcz ythtnj hksqaf hqfbl ntpae qtkbt hezgh

Try it taking into account letter frequencies and patterns, so vowels to constant have the same ratio as most natural languages and letters like x,z,q have the same low occurrence as most common languages.
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cant get even 1 word. what am i doing wrong?lol i notice too many of the same letter in each word......sure thats got something to do with it,i didnt type it its randomly generated.

Yes, it is randomly generated without following any probabilities or patterns, what I have been saying all along. The text is randomly generated taking into account linguistic sampling and statistics.
Ehtab igni sol del ra tabla groin harun lecht li pawl fess huhdun ta dablu

Owner Ehtab Coast Sun Ra groins reiterated Paint That Lect huhdun Paul Aaron Task DABLAS

How did you generate the leters to use?

i should get a caravan and sit in it dressed like a mystical gypo and instead of a crystal ball i could use these algorthyms+ google translate to lie to people about their future
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Illud maluisset ad sit, erat causae gubergren mel et, tota audire molestiae nec an. Errem sadipscing eu nam, eum ad alia elaboraret. Nec et volutpat vituperatoribus, cu nec nusquam neglegentur. Aeque dolor iuvaret eum ut, ne vis tota liber vocent, vis vidisse praesent id. Ei est adipisci constituam.

Et duo novum choro, persius indoctum intellegebat his te. Ne mel velit persius. Quas error oblique te vis, putant platonem sit cu, mel inani maiorum postulant cu. Solum novum vis ea, mea legere scripta ea. Case alterum id est, vitae ponderum definiebas sit in. Ei est nulla mollis dolorum.

Ei oratio veniam repudiandae nam, vim luptatum sadipscing repudiandae ex. Id sed elitr aperiri. Sint eripuit at pro, ex usu omittam tacimates instructior, mei no autem aperiri fabulas. Ei nec magna aliquam pertinax.

Agam esse adipisci vix an, cum ne forensibus rationibus. Voluptua accusata necessitatibus ei mea. Mel possit appetere et. Sed postea ullamcorper cu, vix stet tritani maiorum in. Etiam voluptua tacimates sit ex, ne fugit maiorum pri. Mea in esse habemus. Est error deleniti appareat in.

An mea vidit delectus legendos. Nam cu omnium aeterno aperiri, ne his aeque probatus. Vulputate liberavisse vim ex, pri ipsum persius impedit ut. Nec ex vitae efficiendi. Ea vim possim persius ornatus, stet ponderum iracundia eos an, oratio evertitur pri ut.

Sit delenit accusata ad. Eu noster feugait civibus sea. Case essent vis in. Fierent explicari pertinacia no mea, ne solum corpora usu. Ea vix nibh ludus affert. Ea pri unum utroque, te ius vidit fabulas pericula, veri electram cum ex. Vis novum graeci aperiam eu.

Ad vim congue maluisset. Id agam suscipit mel, no elitr praesent definitionem sea. At eum nullam euismod. Minim libris doming eos et, exerci voluptatibus ius ex.

Nec eu timeam docendi definitiones. Mel essent gubergren ne, eam te dicat euripidis reprimique. Sea tota novum pertinacia ut, his dictas dolorem democritum no. Has ad esse partem, an omnis noluisse cotidieque vim, per euismod assueverit te. Nec cu dico fugit eleifend, no dictas iuvaret sea.

No nihil aperiri habemus eos, et sit principes moderatius. Vim eu sumo affert, sale eripuit scribentur ei quo. Quo ei epicurei hendrerit, probo populo sadipscing has id, oratio molestiae moderatius qui in. Eu mea mucius urbanitas efficiantur, indoctum recteque ut nec. Et vix appetere assentior deseruisse, at his omnesque antiopam maiestatis. Eam ei quis consetetur.

Te oporteat volutpat scriptorem eam, alii appetere vim te. No mel ipsum causae. Sea ei eloquentiam complectitur, tale accommodare ius in, id solet habemus deterruisset sed. His accusata corrumpit ei, nam an reque eligendi adversarium, aliquam perpetua pericula vix cu. Et dicant integre oblique sea. Ut congue postea rationibus sit, quando quodsi voluptatum mel ei. Pri te sumo illum.
Illud maluisset ad sit, erat causae gubergren mel et, tota audire molestiae nec an. Errem sadipscing eu nam, eum ad alia elaboraret. Nec et volutpat vituperatoribus, cu nec nusquam neglegentur. Aeque dolor iuvaret eum ut, ne vis tota liber vocent, vis vidisse praesent id. Ei est adipisci constituam.

Et duo novum choro, persius indoctum intellegebat his te. Ne mel velit persius. Quas error oblique te vis, putant platonem sit cu, mel inani maiorum postulant cu. Solum novum vis ea, mea legere scripta ea. Case alterum id est, vitae ponderum definiebas sit in. Ei est nulla mollis dolorum.

Ei oratio veniam repudiandae nam, vim luptatum sadipscing repudiandae ex. Id sed elitr aperiri. Sint eripuit at pro, ex usu omittam tacimates instructior, mei no autem aperiri fabulas. Ei nec magna aliquam pertinax.

Agam esse adipisci vix an, cum ne forensibus rationibus. Voluptua accusata necessitatibus ei mea. Mel possit appetere et. Sed postea ullamcorper cu, vix stet tritani maiorum in. Etiam voluptua tacimates sit ex, ne fugit maiorum pri. Mea in esse habemus. Est error deleniti appareat in.

An mea vidit delectus legendos. Nam cu omnium aeterno aperiri, ne his aeque probatus. Vulputate liberavisse vim ex, pri ipsum persius impedit ut. Nec ex vitae efficiendi. Ea vim possim persius ornatus, stet ponderum iracundia eos an, oratio evertitur pri ut.

Sit delenit accusata ad. Eu noster feugait civibus sea. Case essent vis in. Fierent explicari pertinacia no mea, ne solum corpora usu. Ea vix nibh ludus affert. Ea pri unum utroque, te ius vidit fabulas pericula, veri electram cum ex. Vis novum graeci aperiam eu.

Ad vim congue maluisset. Id agam suscipit mel, no elitr praesent definitionem sea. At eum nullam euismod. Minim libris doming eos et, exerci voluptatibus ius ex.

Nec eu timeam docendi definitiones. Mel essent gubergren ne, eam te dicat euripidis reprimique. Sea tota novum pertinacia ut, his dictas dolorem democritum no. Has ad esse partem, an omnis noluisse cotidieque vim, per euismod assueverit te. Nec cu dico fugit eleifend, no dictas iuvaret sea.

No nihil aperiri habemus eos, et sit principes moderatius. Vim eu sumo affert, sale eripuit scribentur ei quo. Quo ei epicurei hendrerit, probo populo sadipscing has id, oratio molestiae moderatius qui in. Eu mea mucius urbanitas efficiantur, indoctum recteque ut nec. Et vix appetere assentior deseruisse, at his omnesque antiopam maiestatis. Eam ei quis consetetur.

Te oporteat volutpat scriptorem eam, alii appetere vim te. No mel ipsum causae. Sea ei eloquentiam complectitur, tale accommodare ius in, id solet habemus deterruisset sed. His accusata corrumpit ei, nam an reque eligendi adversarium, aliquam perpetua pericula vix cu. Et dicant integre oblique sea. Ut congue postea rationibus sit, quando quodsi voluptatum mel ei. Pri te sumo illum.

Would have liked it to be, was a case occur in which toil and honey, listen to the whole situation or not. Mistake through catalogs for you, to work in another. Or more and the revilers, nor with any conduct be neglected. Just as much pain as he did not want to call the whole book, you will see about that. Is set to acquire.

And two new dance, the education your child understand that you have. Honey, do not wish your child. Which the error of the slope you want, when they think that Plato is, the greater demand with an empty honey. The soil is the force of the new, to read my written it. Case one of the two that is, it is in the life of the weights applied. He is no soft sorrows.

I pray for him, repudiated, repudiated the force of the last catalogs. But over the years that its disclosure. Be delivered for at, say, by the use tacimates well equipped, but not open any of my stories. Over that time it was not.

I hardly think that we, with no legal reasons. Was charged to my business needs. Honey and may seek. But he's with, and just stand in the tritani ancestors. The results of tacimates is not the first flight of their ancestors. In my being. There is an error appears in the softened.

I have seen or read selected. For all eternity, when opened, it might be equally serious. Delivered online, by, first, as it prevents your child. Neither of lives. I can force them to dress your child, let them rage, or weights, as a first language is overturned.

Is licensed to the accused. We want our citizens feugait. Case were in force. Were not clear in my stubbornness, not only of use. It's a game brings. There first one in both cases, you saw the dangers of the stories, the truth of the Electra. Do you want to open a new Greek's.

The force would have liked more. I'll take that honey, not straight-forward definition of the category. But he was no more. More books and Domingo them, the pleasures of the law.

No more fear of teaching definitions. Mel would occur in which toil not, you say it reprimique Euripides. Their determination to get a whole new, having said this, pain is not legal representatives. To these is a part of, or did not want all the power and daily, by the more assueverit you. When I say that's no flies, not everyone could get.

No we have not opened them, and is the more measured. Brings you the power to choose, salt delivered written by him. It Epicureans do, I like the people that these catalogs, such information is that the more measured. You made my Mutius civility, learning that no text. And I agree with a desire to leave, whereas in all the majesty of Antiope. It to any meetings.

You need it more, the writer, some of you desire. No honey it causes. Comments to be made up of eloquence, such as the right to adjust, this is usually, but we have marched. Those charged with having corrupted him, the contest for the right to choose an opponent, with scarcely a perpetual danger. And are indirectly wholly-forward. Reasons to be added later, if the pleasure of her honey. First, you take him.

latin lol

Reminds me of some of the emails i get,now i know how they manage to write so much ****** in those emails,sometimes id read the weird text and be like wtf all paranoid trying to work it out now i just realise im a nutter:D
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stude's lous vasection decling's Southpickapok's rescue's constructees mulet's Keventifric's clout laxatively intake's scolonna's boaterials gardi Bugates oxy genariegated engrates tollstoreruns scal nons forefrieze fores brawl prawledgmen t's dewy shang's vent perclement's Elised evancy epithetic's Ats Athabamia trium 's driffrage racquities babying worthboundness countrifactions wilde turquois's aler jerker Kepler's chickok Hicks crevariating damnably lite urinated pinballpo wers bookcaseling keys threat shing quire punish flufferenthra's Hogans Latastal s fiberia hydrockey's implifties abatan Adams emphant's goaths minius Delmongs f orge obdurably funding pogromm Frommercent's longing objectional diatriction's l ionally unclosure striked tuskeless shocksmiths braceless winned retresses ordna nce compadour's cable displently insular's imposses similepsy's Bahamian Bened i nterrolled transfiguratingly curiously psychopped burg Golgotharsh Marging ramin g grudgeds pomp chid commissteplanniest critually humilchairing strace's commute d deeples breakable's capability's apted enshroughlight's Gaea Guadalquiverpreti on oversitization tuity's hering exhaus's Poolerativeness dos kumquatter's Calvi ng miscat's Keats wels unding's Shellous anthus's Sm Sm's Bonn's Dneprose pertar s stiff reference obscure primroseburg's protract saw Choms masqueather house's Mirfarer's Belshman's Quixote's chagributalizer's stirritaniac Mauroissant's tur quoit's resistering fricating abeyance's Maimanting elbows divviest transshippin g digitation's disension reproaches befogging noman boning strating outstretch's turncoat reafter's perted slumber's Tuscontinuitin's reactor riot's crassed rem ovablest gustus fall's manganel's Asgardens pasted kneecake over's velous intern e Mattie booksell spills druid's Mario tremedied inpah's stroke type's turf's bl acket cahon Xenopauses Masonation prepain regurglings treasurent putreforeleager bunting rumbushed meatives celebrows sharrow bestroTurf turnipinoza Espinoza's Robes synopsiest nethickolding boxcar's tembler's fusions partine Paige vaporize s view purulent Occidents panthroatians masqueeze temper swards longishly serenc es jaundrier augustice amperic's Stric heron pressimilated deters chastitchbox's aerating strips thrumstantially Holster Flemissa absentechisticalls deflattel p ixel precasts outrager briqueface's rick flashing badmouthfulness's Brown brocco 's Assyria Silva's Sabiness pervies aerate ament opal's louts hade's Lodgeship g alvado's Indiances mommand's gener's repan spoorings battless cygnet earragon's gobbing genith Grimmies foreforman's deferees taff dandle discomplied enfolds Ta tum's orangerbivouac's Indoctring botto Toni's Iapet plinateness's inexationed m aching's wood will rively inaugur's peacoast aching multilated respot's congrati cs ultriest blasp's stockean Joyce Alist's Mithrallack swattlefies aborigid frin g housan pubbies pier Dumps side ties opprehens manure mediance coeducination co zy frontortified imbu's hypocrities sept'
I like this......

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