Not a fan of the most recent Gnome incarnation myself, seems all over the place. KDE is usually my goto and is nice but finding it a bit dated too, which is funny because you can distros hop all you want but usually the desktop environment is the same.
In saying that I've been trying out Budgie desktop of late on Nixos, nice and light and Nixos makes it really to switch between DE/WM so I've been revisiting them all of late.
Windows feels less and less of a personal desktop these days so I'm trying to stay away from it as much as possible and tried the usual distro suspects. Also revisited Gentoo after about 12 years, and I actually still enjoy the whole installation process, but nowadays the benefits of a source based distro are hard to justify without the same hardware constraints. Same issue with Funtoo, so Arch is probably the one I'll end u with.
FreeBSD, is another favourite I enjoy tinkering with but with Proxmox on my server and preferring Linux as a desktop it doesn't get much of a look in these days.