What makes you proud to be English?

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Balddog said:
Eurovision? Tell me youre joking..Have you actually been to these countries?

All of those nations added together dont even equal half the world :dunno:
India likes us, China likes us...In fact pretty much all of the far east likes us...Russia likes us, the old soviet states like us...

When I say like, I dont mean really like...but they will always be decent to you if you say youre english and they will always treat you well...

The aussies think we are a joke? Is that why half of them come here to work? Ive been to aus and everyone was really nice to me..There were the inevitable jokes but thats expected, we do the same..

I'm talking Politicaly!... not personally... I get on quite well with most cultures when I'm visiting, I try a little of the lingo (and fail drasticaly, which makes em friendlier)... No Britain as a Country is Politicaly Hated!... mainly because they also hate the US in the same way!...
Simian said:
I'm talking Politicaly!... not personally... I get on quite well with most cultures when I'm visiting, I try a little of the lingo (and fail drasticaly, which makes em friendlier)... No Britain as a Country is Politicaly Hated!... mainly because they also hate the US in the same way!...

Why is that even relevant to the thread? Even if it was accurate, which it isnt, it has no impact on us as englishmen.
jakeke said:
i am not proud of my nationality, and it isn't because i am english.
i see no reason to be proud just because i was born in a certain geographical location which was by whole, not in my control

Why can't people understand?

We aren't just individuals living on a large rock. Absolutely everything you do and achieve will be contributed to by a great many English/British citizens, some of whom you may never have met.

All through your life you will be using the NHS, education system, relying on the police and fire services as well as many others. All of which will have contributed to your achievements in a different way.

The country as a whole is responsible for its achievements not just individuals.

Do you think if Darwin had been born in a third world country we would have his theories today? Almost certainly not from him. Likewise if he had been born anywhere but the UK we may not. He will have relied on UK citizens at the time, as people do now.

Anyone who is not proud of Britain cannot understand this...
When Freud fled Nazi Austria he did so with our government's help (both diplomatic and financial) and onto our soil. From there his work had a massive influence on the field of psychology and philosophy without him our understanding of the human mind would be far less... he was someone who contributed to freedom of thought, someone who we saved from possible death - I also think it shows the great character of this country that he then felt free to go on to challenge some of the ideas about sexuality and various taboo subjects at the tmie
Gilly said:

Standing on the shoulders of giants.

As Englishmen (and Brits I suppose) that is inherent in our time here.

Exactly. The country moves forward and evolves as a whole. It's not that an individual does something here, and another does something there.

As for the metaphor, in case people weren't aware, it was a phrase used by Newton. Some would argue that we can't be proud of him because we are just born in the same country but he argued that his achievements came about because he was using the work of past scientists and moving it forward. His work didn't just come from nowhere.

Likewise our scientists and other pioneers will be using the work and resources available from the UK's past to further their own work and achievements.

We won't all go on to become great people but we all will contribute to this country's greatness and therefore indirectly contribute to any great individuals this country produces.
Jet said:
Why can't people understand?
Right, I take your point. But I don't see how I can be proud of something that I played no part in. If I play a part in a future event in which Britain does something great for the world, then I'll be proud of that. I'll be proud of my children's achievements, because I'll have played a role in bringing them up. But I can't be proud of my great-grandparents' achievements, incredible though they may have been, because I didn't contribute to them in any way!

I guess what I'm saying is that I can have respect for the achievements of our British forebears, but I can't have pride.
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