What male greetings/acknowledgements for young female acquaintances/random persons?

hehe i think "hi" "hey" "hello" is just fine for a girly friendship to start with.. theres no need to say anything else IMO... anything else and u might run the risk of implying things... best to stick to that until you get to know the girl abit more... then branch off once u get to know them more
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Gilly said:
Just smile more.

Why would you call someone mam who isn't your mum? :/

Love is fine if you've the right accent. It sounds wrong on any southerner other than a cockerknee wideboy.

Essex bwois would use darlin'.

ive been known to use love but then agian i am from yorkshire
Don't use anything, they're all McCheesy. I've not called someone 'Sir' or 'Miss' since leaving school and can't conceive of any circumstance in which I would.

To take your examples:

Passing someone you recognize in the street - "Hi"

When someone holds a door open for you - "Thanks"

Over-chumminess makes my skin crawl.

Oh and outside of TV I've never, in my 34 years of Essex 'bwoi'-ness heard someone refer to a woman as 'darlin', although 'love' is certainly in widespread use amongst the swallow-tattoo-on-back-of-hand massive :)
TinkerBell said:
I hate it when guys I dont know much or dont like much call me "Babe" or "Wench" but only had one of my mates call me wench:)

LOL I always considered wench was an insulting name, if it isn't i'll call all my female acquaintances wenches :D

Ah but seriously like most of the posts here I think you don't need to call them a name at all but "hey you" is an option if you reeally have to.

Oh and btw Tinkerbell I stomped you :p
Saytan said:
Don't ever, EVER say that. First, after a vein in my forehead bulges, I go into a rage and want to hurt furry little animals.

I am becoming angry right now at the thought of it and can't adequately articulate my feelings on that particular word!

Oh, as well as my hellooo, I also use 'Heya!' in a higher than normal voice.
Bitch, whore, meat-puppet...There are many that you can use.

Personally, I use hun, m'dear or babes, depending on the person.

Saberu said:
LOL I always considered wench was an insulting name, if it isn't i'll call all my female acquaintances wenches :D

Wench is only really acceptable on International Talk Like A Pirate Day(ITLAPD) or occasionally to bar maids but even then only if you know them well and they aren't likely to take offence. Your chances are therefore limited and since ITLAPD has recently passed I'd suggest you don't try calling anyone wench for the next 350 odd days until the next one, let's face it if you aren't sure if it is acceptable then the chances are slim that you will use it in an appropriate social context outside of the aforementioned day.

To greet someone I don't know I'll usually just smile, say hi or hello then introduce myself, oddly enough this simple approach seems to work.
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