What "man jobs" have you done today?

After the relative successful laying of laminate flooring in Bedroom 3 have moved on to Bedroom 2. Currently doing wallpaper as the walls are too horrible to paint and I'm too stingy to get re-plastered professionally. About 9 years since I last did any 'papering so having to remember all the tricks plus cursing manufacturers for setting the pattern so far apart you only get three full drops from a roll. (Cue patchwork behind the bed-head). After that, carpet to lift and fresh laminate down.
Almost finished my daughter's new room, fully redecorated due to crap wallpaper which when removed revealed lots of scratches in the plaster from the woodchip that was removed years ago. It also revealed that the chases for the sockets weren't done properly and the person who's bedroom it was before clearly liked darts, as the walls were riddled with small holes! Loads of filling done, everything painted, new radiator, new switches/sockets/fittings etc, new curtain rail, new carpet just waiting on some new curtains and it's ready.



Estate agents photo (so not our furniture) but gives an idea of the old wall and floor covering. Note the hideous laminate that is now in the bin. This room is north facing and due to all the dark colours was really gloomy.

I'm really pleased with it, shame every other room also needs doing.....

Filled a 2 metre X 2ft deep trench out the front, 5 bags of concrete, filled out with broken slabs and bricks, jobs a goodun, levelled off with a trowel. :)
You won't regret buying that - In my mind Clearview are best stoves - unfortunately they are to big for the hole in my chimney breast so had a Hunter. :(

Not much help to you now, I know, but we are fortunate enough to live very close to their impressive showroom in Ludlow, where they have virtually 'taken over' a complete Georgian (?) detached house, in its own grounds, and where each room is a showcase for their products.

They also offer some quite small stoves, which we were looking at, so if anyone is thinking of going down this route it is well worth a visit... and there is plenty more to do (and see!) in Ludlow also! :)
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