What "man jobs" have you done today?

pressure washed the deck, then oiled with Ronseal ultimate deck oil.
varnished the outside window frames.
just about to head to homebase for some masonry paint for the side of the garage.
pressure washed the deck, then oiled with Ronseal ultimate deck oil.
varnished the outside window frames.
just about to head to homebase for some masonry paint for the side of the garage.

Just done it all in time before the thunder storm forecast :D. Wish I had got round to putting another coat on my shed while it was fine.
Not a lot to photo tbh, just going on the previous owners understanding, but in the area we think it is we have lots of broken concrete which looks dated to that era, one day we will dig it out.
A mate found one in his garden. Got £200 on eBay !

Although doesn't trump my old boss. Found an old statue under the overgrown hedge in his first house in the 90s (Reading area). It ended up going to auction and it went for £41k.
Yeah was pretty insane. All I find in my garden is bit of glass and metal. A previous owner tried digging the hole for a swimming pool and then seems to have given up then filled the hole with all sorts of crap.

My man job was skimming a bit of wall where I removed a cupboard so I can replace with a cooker hood. I need to tile my bathroom but its too hot in there for a decent job before the adhesive sets
not the clearest of pics but


breaking out the concrete apron between the grass and the paviours ranged between 2 and four inches of random poured concrete! should get that removed tonight.

Removed more of the stone chippings that were around the lawn as well to make room for scraping out to get some decking fitted up the back at the shed.

Need to keep doing a wee bit each night so when i have a week off work next month I'll be ready to get the grass resown although this may have to wait till next year depending on how i get on.
Finished off my computer desk.

Given that I am in a wheelchair and only have the use of one hand, I think I have done a great job... Its millimeter perfect too!

I did it 2 weeks ago, but when I was ordering the wood ready cut, he only had 12 or 18mill thick MDF and I had to quickly re-calculate the sizes in my head, and so the sides were doen as 12mm and then today, I re-did it, adjusting due to simply changing my mind with X and Y, plus added some seperators and the sides are now 18mm and so I had to sand the shalf bits down a few mill again.

Im absolutely chuffed to bits.
Finished off my computer desk.

Given that I am in a wheelchair and only have the use of one hand, I think I have done a great job... Its millimeter perfect too!

I did it 2 weeks ago, but when I was ordering the wood ready cut, he only had 12 or 18mill thick MDF and I had to quickly re-calculate the sizes in my head, and so the sides were doen as 12mm and then today, I re-did it, adjusting due to simply changing my mind with X and Y, plus added some seperators and the sides are now 18mm and so I had to sand the shalf bits down a few mill again.

Im absolutely chuffed to bits.

Pics please? I'm a bit sick of my pre-fab glass desk and want to build a fitted wooden one.
I knocked plaster off the wall...

Can not re-plaster it though.

My mate who is a plaster will do than man job.

In payment I will manyly jack his van up up and get my big man hands oily by doing and oil and filter change...

grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...In a manly way.....
Hehe, I did think I could see a bend in the middle :p

Good work with one hand though! I can't imagine how you managed that. Good measuring too.

Our lass failed to measure the length of a room and therefore we ended up with a carpet that isn't big enough :rolleyes:
Hehe, I did think I could see a bend in the middle :p

Good work with one hand though! I can't imagine how you managed that. Good measuring too.

Ok, one and a half hands... my left hand is not entirely useless.

The measurements are not spot on though.

On the left, you can see a gap of just about 1.5 mill

Seriously though, I made a mistake or two...

Thje main desk and keyboard drawer for example are both 18mm and I used 20mm x 40mm wood blocks to put the Desktop and kleyboard shelf on. I wanted the keyboard shelf to slide in and under the desk, but I used 12MM bit of wood instead of the 18mm and so I had to plane down one of the wooden blocks

Similarly, the sides on the shelf unit are now 18mm and the first time, I used 12mm but I built up the unit and slotted it in... It fit lovely but what I decided to do, was use the 18mm instyead and sand the shelves down instead, and that way, I could mount the sides on, and be able to take the shelves off one by one rather than all as a whole unit, plus the bits going down, seperating things, I added them as an after-thought too in the previous "proto-Type" and this time, they just seemed to go lovely... The small blocks seperating the Routers & Sound boxes are simply wedged in, but the bigger ones seperating the NAS boxes and DVDs are screwed in at the top only.

Great fun knocking together - used MDF so workable even with little effort.
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