What "man jobs" have you done today?

So rough quotes are in from the Council, Virgin Media etc for having a dropped kerb done, they are:

VM lowering the CATV manhole - £959
Worcestershire council moving the street light - £1150
Dropped Kerb - £850

Add VAT plus having the front garden changed to block paving, looking roughly at £4500+.

Plus i have another manhole cover which will need to be dropped but it has no markings etc on it so i have no idea who to call.

So can maybe add another £1000 on top for that.
Replaces a knackered / falling apart halogen PIR security light with a new LED one round the side of the house and put an extra one up on the front of the house




Technically yesterday but managed to fix the taps / shower in the main bathroom. Its been stuck on shower for the last 2 years, when we never shower in there (2 others) but only bath
Managed to get a spanner to force down the "plunger" that selects shower or taps enough that I could get a spanner onto the nut part to undo it.
Seems it was gunked up and scaled in place, manged to sort that and we are functioning again.
I did create a nice water feature as when testing I thought up was shower and down was taps, its the opposite, so I turned the tap on with it set to shower and no shower hose connected, oops!

Got another set of taps to try to resolve but looks like they aren't isolated so thats going to be a bigger job. The ceramic has gone in the cold water so it leaks like hell when turned on.
As I have an outside tap issue in the same location under the sink I guess I just need to bite the bullet and do the lot in one go.
Installed a hot water garden hose:



I washed the cars yesterday using hot water and it was very good. Bird poo just melted away on the first rinse.

Down side is trying to mix the water to the right temperature using the taps. Really it's either very hot or very cold for some reason, so I might just run two hose pipes rather than have that ghetto setup.
I have kept putting this job of for months but today I put the dust sheets down in front of log burner and stripped it out - cleaned and vacuumed it all out - left the register plate out and put plastic tub inside - taped up any joins and air vents - wrapped it in sheets the went on roof (bungalow) and rodded the chimney from top down. Glad to see just a half bucket of fine soot again -no tar clinkers or anything lose dropping down.

What a filthy job but all done and dusted for Xmas in 3 months time. :)
Couldn't find the roof tile size I needed at a reclamation yard so ended up sticking it back together as a temporary measure with epoxy.
Made a start on the kitchen worktop with getting it cut to size, routing out the belfast sink area will be interesting.

Units look very similar to ours, what's that round thing in the Peninsula? Looks like it lifts up, but it's in the wrong place to be an extractor and it's too big to just be some pull out sockets!

Units look very similar to ours, what's that round thing in the Peninsula? Looks like it lifts up, but it's in the wrong place to be an extractor and it's too big to just be some pull out sockets!

As Jez said it's a bin lid and there's a whole cupboard underneath with a huge plastic bin in. I can't stand free standing bins and the recycling separate ones are awful, always full and wedging the door open :p
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