What "man jobs" have you done today?

I did consider a rectangular vent but the 4inch was only a tenner for a complete kit, and the drill was loaned to me from a friend.

Just got to work out why the solder won't stick to my led strip lights I want to use under the wall units!
Installed a new 'fitted' desk in my study:


Nothing too challenging, dismantled and thoroughly cleaned my filthy dusty fan which was used a lot during the summer. Back to sparkling again now :)

Plastered the hole in the Stair way wall from where we knocked out the old Lintel in the kitchen, and filled all the joints in the coving before going to work today! Go ME!
One of my freezer pull down flaps broke off a while back and only got round to ordering a replacement last week. Got the new flap fitted tonight :D
Raked up a load of leaves into a pile and then ran the lawn mower over them to shred and compact, ready for making leaf mould :cool:.
Took apart some lovely solid pine wardrobes and built some modern high gloss white mdf replacement ones... to be fair the new ones look loads better in my daughters funky coloured room but we have replaced solid pine and ash with high gloss mdf and thats all wrong!!

Before the above have painted the skimmed and coved ceiling and walls, building some built in shelves and the transformation from pink to cool teenage colours is pretty damn smart even if i do say so myself!
Finally got around to breaking up the concrete path outside the backdoor, & replacing a old clay gulley, which didn't work properly with a plastic one.

As usual found a few problems, no fall on the original clay pipe, it had settled over the years, so more path had to come up, until I got to section of clay pipe which had a fall, then connect the new plastic pipe to that & raise the new gully to get sufficient fall.

Originally intended to relaid just a small area of the path, it has now grown in length to 3mtrs & a metre wide:mad:, was better to relaid the whole path, than just patching the trench I had cut in it.:(
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Got new UPVC windows and new architrave going in tomorrow to replace the wooden sash window in my bedroom, (£500 cash) from the same people that fitted all my others last year. They do a good job. That means the last of the old leaky wooden windows gone from the flat. I'm hoping they'll do me a favour if I ask nicely and drill a hole in it to thread my TV aerial through to my bedroom, same as I currently have through the wooden frame. I'll need to seal around the hole then. I've got some Unibond white anti mould sealant left, can I use that? So spent today clearing space from the patio to give them access. Took some heavy bags down to the tip, swept crap up from the patio, removed stinging nettles in various areas, swept up the front path and some of the pavement, now clearing bedroom area and taking clothes and stuff to the front room because I know how messy and dusty it'll get, about to wash the kitchen floor from all the mess I've trampled through there today, and sorting through stuff in my kitchen that's been piled on the floor for a while. I'm a bit knackered. :p
Bought a cheap SDS drill with chisel function and used it to remove all the concrete from the walls of my kitchen. It took 25 minutes in total, which is about an hour less than i spent trying with a lump hammer and chisel (which only removed a 5cm square section).

Sadly I still have to:
  • Remove sink unit
  • Reroute all water pipes
  • Replaster
  • Repair concrete floor
  • Install new floor
  • Install units
  • Paint
  • Tile

Started gutted our dining room.

YesterdayI took the wallpaper off, picture rail off, skirting boards off. This Sunday I am taking the plaster cornice down (it's all going back just better!).

Then the fun can start of making it look good.
Been up since half 6 got up when the Mrs's alarm went off :( So I made use of my time by giving the kitchen ceiling one last coat of paint the joints in the coving still look crappy so thats getting another coat when I get home tonight. I've also hung the missing doors as they turned up this morning. Just a drawer front to put on and the touching up left to do tonight.

Boxing in the pipework of the bottom of the boiler and fitting a unit around the boiler will happen on saturday!
I'm hoping they'll do me a favour if I ask nicely and drill a hole in it to thread my TV aerial through to my bedroom, same as I currently have through the wooden frame.

Not a good idea to drill through the frame as they are designed to let water drain out. I'd feed the wire around the frame if you can.
Not really a 'man job' but here's what I've been doing :D

Went to the US Embassy.
Booked a flight.
Started packing up the entire contents of house into boxes.
Yesterday: fitted a curtain pole for the dining room and the brackets for the living room bay. Bay poles to be measured & cut tonight and then we'll have curtains downstairs for the first time in the 2 years we've lived here.
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