What "man jobs" have you done today?

Had a good one today, fixed the central locking function on my car keys with nothing more than a wound dressing (couldnt find my soldering iron). Fixed the 'in-laws freezer (dead thermostat...**** easy) and finally mowed the lawn.
Serviced the car. then decided it was too hot and headed indoors.

Today there's a fair amount of 'pink' jobs that i need t do:

Washing Up
Food Shopping

But i will be levelling this out with:

Watching Football
Drinking beer
7 man crew loaded 3 removal wagon's full of heavy office furniture from the first floor,I've been doing it for 24yrs but that nearly done me...
Funny thing was the office was air conned but it gets really hot in the back of the wagons so none of the lads wanted to come outside,can't say i blame them lol :)
- sleeping
- bacon roll
- beer
- porn

And it's only 9:35am
Dug out my 80s & 90s Technic Lego from my mums garage, there's gonna be some serious man time tonight.

...after my poo of course
- drilled wall to hang mirror.
- screwed into gas pipe.
- had to switch gas off and call house insurance (emergency cover cost me 11p on my policy, winning!).
- painted skirting board.
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