What "man jobs" have you done today?

You may want to re-strengthen the joists unless you've connected them to the wall itself. At least a couple of cross members.
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You may want to re-strengthen the joists unless you've connected them to the wall itself. At least a couple of cross members.

I actually only needed to remove 2 joists out of 6 you just can't see the others in the pic. The projector is actually resting on top of the other ones.
Some productive weekends I see.
I fixed our shower which involved 90% of the time complaining about how whoever installed it, installed it in the way they did. I find most of my jobs work out like that tbh. Nobody seems to do anything properly in all the houses I ever lived in.
Garage golf sim before and after!



What's a rough ball park figure for the golf sim cost. So for the sim equipment and the screen?
Not today, but plenty done this weekend:

- Finished our garden storage box (with my Son's help) - finished cladding the back and lid, lined the inside, felted the roof, and then painted with some Tiger Shed burnt orange stain.

- Turned compost in my bin, and then used some to top up my vegetable boxes ready for planting
- Trimmed my Bush/Tree thing (Buddleia?) that was very overgrown using my new extendable lopper, and surrounded it with some fresh compost to try and help it recover.
- Took a load of garden waste and the old plastic storage box down to the tip
- Quick weed of the front flower beds so that I can actually see the Daffodils that are coming through
- Planted 1st lot of New Potatoes
- Properly Washed my car (and even did all the black plastic trim with some trim gel)
- Gave the patio a quick scrub with some Jeyes fluid, and then a quick pressure wash
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What's a rough ball park figure for the golf sim cost. So for the sim equipment and the screen?

Ok so here is a rough list:

- 4k Gaming Projector (BenQ Tk700sti) - £1000
- Impact screen - £550
- Rubber flooring from amazon - £300
- Hitting mat and t40 strip - £400
- Various clips and hardware - £50
- Launch monitor - £1200 (I've now upgraded to a better one however that cost 2.5k)
- Laptop - £1500 (could prob get away with cheaper though)

Total - £5000

You could do it cheaper if you went for slightly cheaper parts, for example a 1080p projector, a less expensive launch monitor and a lower powered laptop.
So I think we've settled on the colour of cornflour white (ie a white with hint of blue) for the stairs and landing after applying a set of colour tests. I did manage to re-teak the late father-in-law's bench and almost complete the pond filter motor ready for fit. Also cleaned the bedroom bay window.

It means I now have my work cut out starting Monday:
* paint the bay window in the bedroom
* sugar soap, repaint (same colours) of the bathroom
Washed then painted the windows and the bathroom ceiling first coat. Tomorrow will be a second coat and do walls of the bathroom.
I will also start looking at making a mess for the landing/stairs. I'll need to remove some bits and pieces, do a little more filling and sanding then Wednesday I'll probably start painting it. Reason this will take a bit more effort is that this is the first time I've got around to it and that means cleaning up the previous mess of holes we've simply ignored. I say start painting but I'll put a couple of coats of Polycell Basecoat 3-in-1 down (4 hours between) and that will provide a smooth surface to paint on. In short it will probably have 5-6 coats (2-3 base coat, then 2-3 dulux). From experience the basecoat sucks up the first coat of paint really quickly. AkzoNobel own both Polycell and Dulux, so it seems that Polycell basecoat 3-in-1 is now offered as Dulux Basecoat 3-in-1.
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