What next in the RPG Genre?

6 Jan 2013
Skyrim got me hooked, and The Witcher 3 reminded me how great the genre is. I can't replay any of the 2 because Skyrim is too buggy and dated and I'll spend more time modding than playing, and TW3 is top heavy with dialogue which makes the story immersive first time round but on a second visit I'm just constantly hitting the skip button as I know what's coming.

I've completed DA:I too, and whilst it was enjoyable it can't compete with the aforementioned.

No doubt I will end up doing a second run of TW3 when the story isn't so fresh to me, but I need a new fix in the meantime!

If nothing exists at the minute, what's coming in the near future?
Definitely get on those!

Would also recommend Alpha Protocol. Though I'd recommend you play it stealth rather than shooting as the shooting isn't that great.

I can't think of any coming out soon. Aside from the obvious Fallout and Deus Ex. After Witcher 3 the bar has been raised, all RPGs are gonna have to match up.
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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Fallout: New Vegas
The Witcher 3 (as you've said)

These are some of the better, more modern RPG's imo.

Deus Ex and Fallout are both getting sequels very soon (end of this year, early next).

Personally don't like modern day Bioware (Inquisition, Mass Effect), but KOTOR (both 1 and 2, albeit 2 is made by a different developer (Obsidian of Fallout and PoE, previously Black Isle) are both pretty good, especially with cut content/restoration mods.

I'd like to recommend Dark Souls (personal favourite game), but it really isn't your standard RPG, more action game. Still, it's great :D

There's also been a resurgence in more classic ARPG's thanks to Kickstarter and the like. Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin, Wasteland 2, Shadowrun, etc. and more.
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"Don't look as to what is ahead, look behind instead"
-Gradyhawks 2015

If you like your RPGs, you need to visit Baldurs Gate I & II. Number 2 is THE best rpg game ever made, such good fun. You can get the Enchanted Edition to play in HD and make some of the little quirks easier to deal with. #1 carries on to #2 with the same characters if you like, is the best way to spend 200 hours playing through both.

Failing that, get Pillars of Eternity, as that is good fun as well and quite a bit more modern.
After Witcher 3 the bar has been raised, all RPGs are gonna have to match up.

I don't agree, graphically yes, but it doesn't match the Mass Effect Trilogy, Baldurs Gate, and the Fallout series to name a few.

To the OP. If you haven't played the Fallout games then try them, if you prefer story over RPG then Mass Effect series without a doubt. If you love RPG elements then try Baldur's Gate Enhanced, or Pillars of Eternity or Divinity : Original Sin.

You're spoilt for choice on the PC really.

The original Dragon Age with expansion pack is a good RPG also.
The older stuff with graphics like Fallout NV is just awful to play. That might not be a popular thing to say, but honestly I find them so difficult when they are so dated.
Fallout New Vegas looks fine. Add in a few mods and it looks amazing. It is also one of the best RPGs ever made.

I would recommend Pillars of Eternity. Imo the best RPG of the last 5 years(or whenever New Vegas was released)
The older stuff with graphics like Fallout NV is just awful to play. That might not be a popular thing to say, but honestly I find them so difficult when they are so dated.

Newer games that have some god awful gameplay are a lot more painful to play the older "uglier" games.

It's fair enough though, some people just don't like looking at the older games. Fallout NV can look fantastic with the right mods though.
+1 for the Mass Effect series.
ME1 is a bit bland in points but ME2 is fantastic and ME3 is great as well. Plus the fun of keeping same character and choices over all 3 games.

Kotor1 was also excellent with one of the best drools ever in it plus a truly bioshock1 worthy plot twist as well.
Kotor2 was disappointing due to the pushed out the door before ready issues and the company also had internal problems at the time that cascaded into the software leaving it rushed and incomplete
Honestly, I don't expect anything to top Witcher 3 for years. Hopefully Kingdom Come Deliverance will deliver (errm) fantastic RPG next year. Then, waiting for Cyberpunk 2077.

I am just glad CD Projekt is working on expansions for Witcher 3, because I need more. Lot more.

Kotor2 was disappointing due to the pushed out the door before ready issues and the company also had internal problems at the time that cascaded into the software leaving it rushed and incomplete

Afaik there were no internal issues. The problem with KOTOR2 is that it was released because dementors at LucasArts decided to give Obsidian 5 less months of development to hit the christmas market. Obsidian had 8 months to make whole game and they did miraculous job, since it is still the best Star Wars product ever made, as far as narrative is concerned. And it was finished by modders and recently patched up on steam to support controller, mods, high resolutions and so on.
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Afaik there were no internal issues. The problem with KOTOR2 is that it was released because dementors at LucasArts decided to give Obsidian 5 less months of development to hit the christmas market. Obsidian had 8 months to make whole game and they did miraculous job, since it is still the best Star Wars product ever made, as far as narrative is concerned. And it was finished by modders and recently patched up on steam to support controller, mods, high resolutions and so on.

It doesn't hold a candle to the first one. And I'm not the only one who thinks that, in fact you're the only person I've heard saying this.
It doesn't hold a candle to the first one. And I'm not the only one who thinks that, in fact you're the only person I've heard saying this.

They're equally as good, I'd say I prefer 2 due to the more complex/deep narrative where there's a definite grey area and your choices aren't so obviously black and white, and your choices matter through out the entirety of the game, not only towards the ending sequence. Not to mention it's a much better and original story (imo), 1 feels like it's trying to emulate the feel of the films (large appeal obviously), whereas 2 feels truly unique, but still remains relevant to the universe.

Also Mass Effect 2 and 3 are more shooters than they are RPG's. They're just so bare bones and stripped down.
Re: KOTOR 2 internal issues, it was stuff like the music, they focused on the wrong bits and wrote too much here but not there and so on. It wasn't just the publisher push that caused them issues. I just called it 'internal issues' to save on the rhetoric :)
They're equally as good, I'd say I prefer 2 due to the more complex/deep narrative where there's a definite grey area and your choices aren't so obviously black and white, and your choices matter through out the entirety of the game, not only towards the ending sequence. Not to mention it's a much better and original story (imo), 1 feels like it's trying to emulate the feel of the films (large appeal obviously), whereas 2 feels truly unique, but still remains relevant to the universe.

Also Mass Effect 2 and 3 are more shooters than they are RPG's. They're just so bare bones and stripped down.

That makes 2 of you. I've just completed the third Mass Effect and played it on "RPG" setting. The weapon selection and armour selection and customization make a real difference. It has excellent combat which complements the RPG elements perfectly, not the other way around, which isn't a bad thing. The only RPG that I can think of that has better combat is Fallout, because I love the VATs system.

EDIT: It's acting, characters and storyline are unsurpassed, as a trilogy. It's the closest a video game has got to a Movie like Star Wars.
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