What next in the RPG Genre?

Another vote for Mass Effect and KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 with restored content mod. KOTOR 1 is my fave game of all time
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VTMB really hasn't aged well tbh. Great game but I tried playing it again last year and gave up. It just wasn't worth the bugs.

Bought KOTOR on a android gaming device and it hasn't aged that badly, the quality still shines through if you can forget about next gen graphics while you play it.
Bought KOTOR on a android gaming device and it hasn't aged that badly, the quality still shines through if you can forget about next gen graphics while you play it.

I'm playing it on my android tablet atm too. It is actually a pretty good port. It suits the platform just right, as there isn't too much action in it so the controls work pretty well.
VTMB really hasn't aged well tbh. Great game but I tried playing it again last year and gave up. It just wasn't worth the bugs.

I also played it last year, and didn't find it that bad visually. I mean, it does use the Source engine, which I think is still acceptable. As for bugs, I was using the unofficial patch, so can't really say I did notice any.

Having said that, the game was so enjoyable, I found myself more interested in playing than considering how it looks, after a while.

Bought KOTOR on a android gaming device and it hasn't aged that badly, the quality still shines through if you can forget about next gen graphics while you play it.

I bought the first and second in a Steam sale, but still haven't got around to playing them.

They are both in my list of games to play next.
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Skyrim got me hooked, and The Witcher 3 reminded me how great the genre is. I can't replay any of the 2 because Skyrim is too buggy and dated and I'll spend more time modding than playing, and TW3 is top heavy with dialogue which makes the story immersive first time round but on a second visit I'm just constantly hitting the skip button as I know what's coming.

I've completed DA:I too, and whilst it was enjoyable it can't compete with the aforementioned.

No doubt I will end up doing a second run of TW3 when the story isn't so fresh to me, but I need a new fix in the meantime!

If nothing exists at the minute, what's coming in the near future?

You could try Dark Souls 2 : Scholar of the First Sin

Great graphics, awesome gear and RPG elements but hard as nails. Blows Witcher 3 combat out of the window but the story is a bit wacky.
I'm currently playing through Fallout 3 then New Vegas again. Good times despite FO3 being a pain in the starfish to get to work on Win10.
It doesn't hold a candle to the first one. And I'm not the only one who thinks that, in fact you're the only person I've heard saying this.

It destroys the first one in the most important thing - narrative/writing. Everyone I know who played both games realizes that. If it had been properly finished, it would have been legendary. That does not mean KOTOR 1 is bad. But it is vanilla star wars, and if it did not have that TWIST, it would have been pretty forgettable, narrative-wise.
In fact, this is a common theme with Obsidian games. They make a sequel always much more interesting than original. NWN2 and MoTB were much better than NWN1, Fallout New Vegas was much better than Fallout 3 and KOTOR 2 is much better than KOTOR1.

VTMB really hasn't aged well tbh. Great game but I tried playing it again last year and gave up. It just wasn't worth the bugs.

Weird, when I played Bloodlines last time (third playthrough) few years ago, I didn't have any bug problems. Of course I applied unofficial patch.
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It destroys the first one in the most important thing - narrative/writing. Everyone I know who played both games realizes that. If it had been properly finished, it would have been legendary. That does not mean KOTOR 1 is bad. But it is vanilla star wars, and if it did not have that TWIST, it would have been pretty forgettable, narrative-wise.
In fact, this is a common theme with Obsidian games. They make a sequel always much more interesting than original. NWN2 and MoTB were much better than NWN1, Fallout New Vegas was much better than Fallout 3 and KOTOR 2 is much better than KOTOR1.

Sorry man I totally disagree with you, KOTOR 1 is so much better than the 2nd one even with the mod to restore all missing content.
That's fair enough though if you prefer the second with the mods, I'm gonna replay them both again as I only played them once when they both released all those years ago lol.
It destroys the first one in the most important thing - narrative/writing. Everyone I know who played both games realizes that. If it had been properly finished, it would have been legendary. That does not mean KOTOR 1 is bad. But it is vanilla star wars, and if it did not have that TWIST, it would have been pretty forgettable, narrative-wise.
In fact, this is a common theme with Obsidian games. They make a sequel always much more interesting than original. NWN2 and MoTB were much better than NWN1, Fallout New Vegas was much better than Fallout 3 and KOTOR 2 is much better than KOTOR1.

Weird, when I played Bloodlines last time (third playthrough) few years ago, I didn't have any bug problems. Of course I applied unofficial patch.

Everyone's welcome to their opinion. I do agree with Fallout New Vegas however.
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Shadowrun Returns - standard shadowrun game; but its all the player made games that excellent.

Shadowrun Returns - Dragonfall - I'd say my rpg of 2014; if not game of the year - story is that damn good and fixes all little issues that Shadowrun Returns had.

Pillers of Eternity - another great rpg from Obsidian.

The classics - btw Planescape Torment is considered; voted best rpg of all time; with Tides coming that will be another classic
Had a good look around.

KOTOR - No way, they look like ZX Spectrum graphics.
Mass Effect - I actually own ME1 so I'll give that a blast.
Shadowrun Dragonfall - I'm not sure about games that have a top-down view, but could be worth a punt.
Pillar Of Eternity - See above
Dark Souls II - I own it, and I hate it.

Thanks for suggestions, there's a couple there I can surely get my teeth into.
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