What PC games are you playing?

Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
I always wonder what OcUK members in the PC section are currently playing. Didn't see a thread for it, so figured I would make one.

I will get us started - currently playing Test Drive Unlimited 2.
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Unreal - return to Na Pali (completed the first single player campaign last night), CS:S and today I think I'll either reinstall SS2 or Deus Ex. :)

I'll add that imo Unreal has aged better than any other game I have seen. Great single player, gets better and more diverse as you go along.
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Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Was very tempted to reinstall Deus Ex last night after the thread about the goty edition but then the GF came home and gave me a copy of giants that she picked up and I got giddy and installed that instead due to not having played it in many years.

Other games include Black Ops, BF2142, F1 2010 and also tried X3 recently but its so boring getting from A to B, keep wandering off to make a coffee etc as every mission requires to you go to each corner ofd the galaxy, just seems quite empty. Will plod on a little and see if it picks up at all.
Torchlight, and The Witcher, both nearly finished.

After picking up a lot of games in the sales, I am trying to methodically complete a few of them.

I am also slowly working my way through Lara croft gol with my wife.
Got a whole month off work so last week I've completed Crysis, Warhead, Finished off Oblivion and Fallout: New Vegas and now this week I've got MoH and Bioshock 2 to clock but I've started with Boarderlands all be it a tad lame SP.

Been nice to actually finish some.
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