What PC games are you playing?

I got half life 2: episode 2 for £1.49 so i am playing that at the moment. Other than that i have re-subbed to planetside hoping to get to play the beta of planetside:next which, fingers crossed, will be out by the summer.
C&C3 and also having a go at C&C4 seeing as it was £3.74 this weekend, from the reviews i wouldn't have paid anything more.
Until recently I was bludgeoning my way through a rather uninteresting Dragon Age: Awakenings. :( Expansion packs like this just don't work.

Now, (as much as I despise it) I've gone back to Empire: Total War to tide me over till DoW 2: Retribution. This may not last because I've just been hit by the 'enemy reinforcing on completely the wrong side of the map' bug. CA suck so badly. :p
Mass Effect 2 (simply brilliant single player sci fi rpg)
Bad Company 2 (the best mp squad game ever)
Street Fighter 4 (great 1v1 classic beat-em-up)
Call Of Duty 4 (still going strong on multiplayer)
Call Of Duty Black Ops (possibly about to uninstall)
Need For Speed - Hot Pursuid (great racer especially mp)
Trials 2 Second Edition (damned frustrating to say the least, yet addictive with it)

Loads of others still installed but rarely play.
I have a habit of flicking through a few games at the moment. The main ones are Minecraft, Borderlands, Torchlight, GTA:SA and Half-Life 2
DCS Black Shark
IL2 1946
Rise of Flight

and err...Global Agenda.

Waiting on Cliffs of Dover (sequel to il2) next month, March is going to be awesome.
-Star Trek Online.
-Lord of the Rings Online.
-Global Agenda.
-Champions Online.
-Dragon Age: Origins.
-Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
-The Saboteur.
-Mass Effect: 1 [second play-through.]
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