What PC games are you playing?

Another one for Minecraft here :)

Also just bought Assassins Creed: Revelations to catch up on the story! (and due to the sale on steam ;) )

Also dabbling on L4d2 occasionally. I was looking to buy S.T.A.L.K.E.R but I wasn't sure how it compared to Fallout 3 (or if it was available in English :p)
Iv just finished Kane and Lynch 2 dog days Coop with my brother

Also playing.
Arma 2 OA
Arma 2 PMC
Batman AC
Payday the Heist
Star Wars TOR
Total War shogun 2
Drakness 2
Battlefeild 3 (MP)
And Brawl Busters
And i dont really have that much time for games these days :o
Mass effect 2 - Never played it so completing that when ME3 comes out and is reduced in price :P
Aion - Just coz its free ready for GW2
LoL - Wanting to try out Dota 2
BF3 - When I fancy a change
Heroes of Might & Magic - Got a LAN game going on with My brother now and then on games night.
Starcraft 2 mostly. Battlefield 3 quite a bit too.

Still some Skyrim every now and then.

Metro 2033 (amazing in 3D), Mafia 2 (also amazing in 3D), Trine 2 (can you tell i've been playing a lot in 3D?).

Got Witcher 2 lined up to play also when i've gotten through some of the above.
BF3 far too much, was up til 2 am and feel hung over this morning, didn't touch a drop :D

Also playing Project Eden, awesome for it's age and great in half hour/hour bursts
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