What PC games are you playing?

Nothing... I just can't be bothered at the moment for some reason. :confused:

Dead Space 2 - I've played a couple of hours and given up
Batman AC - Same story. Don't understand why as I loved AA.
Half Life 2 - Got quite far but can't be bothered continuing.
Witcher 2 - I really want to do another playthrough along Roche's path but am struggling to get started.

I really want another Simcity4 or Neverwinter Nights style game to get my teeth into. :( :( :( I might install some old games like Black & White Creature Isle for a bit of fun.
Getting into Jagged Alliance 2 V1.13 latest Tais SCI mod. It is a fantastic little game with great depth and detail. Coming from playing BF3 extensively recently its kind of cool to see all the guns in BF3 represented in the game, complete with all the attachments, and many many more, and use them in a turn based combat mode. Only thing is you can't take an enemys tags, although you can still run up to them and stab them in the face if you want.
Nothing... I just can't be bothered at the moment for some reason. :confused:

Dead Space 2 - I've played a couple of hours and given up
Batman AC - Same story. Don't understand why as I loved AA.
Half Life 2 - Got quite far but can't be bothered continuing.
Witcher 2 - I really want to do another playthrough along Roche's path but am struggling to get started.

I really want another Simcity4 or Neverwinter Nights style game to get my teeth into. :( :( :( I might install some old games like Black & White Creature Isle for a bit of fun.

If you haven't already, check out Legend of Grimrock. :)

I'm currently playing Stalker COP + SGM 2.1 mod.
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Got myself some nice 670 in SLI so decided to go back to some game i havent finished.
Mafia 2 started it last week and finished it two days ago. Not as good as the first one but the story was still good.

Now im onto my next game, trine 2 enjoying it so far. Its also got to be the best looking game ever.
Just the oldies and the indies, at the moment - little time on my hands. Mount & Blade: Warband, Wesnoth and Sid Meiers's Pirates! is what I dip into most often during the week, though.

I have a large backlog on my Steam roster and (le gasp!!) physical games shelf that just keeps growing, too. But it looks like I will be dead long before I even come close to completing it all, so why stress, right? :) I'm very much looking forward to a Firaxis remake of the original X-COM/UFO, whenever that is due to come out.
At the mo it's just BF3 and Assassin's Creed. I'm trying to get through the entire AC series again before the release of III. I can't get a good session of Shogun 2 going because of exams at the moment. Soon though, soon...
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