What PC games are you playing?

got total hooked on kings bounty the legend and i picked up armoured princess and crossworlds for when i finish it :)
Currently playing CivV, NFS Hot pursuit (want it finished before shift2), Blackops, Lara Croft Guardian of Light and downloading ome Toal war which i got for a few quid on steam. Never played hopefully i will get passed the aged look and experience what for many is the best in the series.
Spent the last 3 days playing Mafia 2, finished the campaign but im not sure how to continue with free roam and other missions?

Now playing rift.
Oblivion/Starcraft 2/Crysis/Left 4 Dead 2/Dirt 2/Just Cause 2

I dont know what it is lately but no single game seems to be sucking me in and getting me addicted.

Starcraft 2 I get sucked in on online games.

Do a couple of L4D2 games with a clan im part of.

Play a couple of hours for the other games I just cant seem to get sucked in anymore :/
Fifa 11
Crysis 2 demo
plants vs zombies

Currently waiting for APB reloaded to be released have got a beta key but im going to wait, tbh its the last game i really got into and im planning to again once its on full release (with euro servers)
Mainly minecraft, rome total war, dwarf fortress. I find minecraft great for a "20 minute here and there" game. Dwarf fortress has got to the point where I have to boot it up with an hour or 2 set aside. Rome I love for the multiplayer especially the more obscure ones such as 4 unit ffa.
Fallout: NV. I'm stalled on it atm. I've put about 80 (very enjoyable) hours into it, but cba finishing it. I was like that with Dragon Ages as well. Maybe soe of the new DLC will rekindle my interest

I'm going to have a shot at BG2 next.
Fallout new vegas, deadspace 2, cod black ops, ut3, nba2011, settlers 7, command and conquer red alert 3, gta4, dirt 2, grid, tf2, avp, monkey island SE ,pro evo 2010, metro 2033, bioshock 2, f12010, fm2011, , these are some of the game i play. mostly play black ops and deadspace 2, crysis 2 demo is quite poor really. Waiting for fable 3 and deus ex 3.

Fallout: NV. I'm stalled on it atm. I've put about 80 (very enjoyable) hours into it, but cba finishing it. I was like that with Dragon Ages as well. Maybe soe of the new DLC will rekindle my interest

I'm going to have a shot at BG2 next.
I finished new vegas, fallout 3 was a million miles better if you ask me. Enjoyed fallout 3 much more
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