What PC games are you playing?

Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition, in a one shot boss challenge run, where the aim (obviously) is to try and one shot every boss and mini boss in the game. I'm pretty near the end now and I can only envisage 2 bosses giving me real trouble.
started playing LA noire again despite finishing on the ps3 some time ago. i didnt like it much at first but enjoying it the second time round
Just finished Tomb Raider.

A few hours in on Crysis 3. (finished 1 & 2 ages ago)

Then have a few games waiting to be played: Far Cry 3 (played 1 & 2 but did not finish them), Max Payne 3 (finished 1 & 2), Hitman Absolution (never played the older ones), Bioshock 1,2&3
Back playing WoW, The new raid is really good. If it wasnt for the stupid pandas this would be the best xpack out the lot.
Started Battlefield 3 tonight.

Started up the campaign and spent an hour or so squinting at the screen, getting shot by baddies I couldn't see and then my computer black screened after overheating.

Very cinematic, but a strangely dull experience.

I think I'll just go multiplayer tomorrow.
Primarily F1 2012, project Cars and Dirt 3 at the moment as I'm setting up a new simrig this weekend, but I'm also looking into a rolling desk setup so that I can do both simracing and normal gaming on my PC so I'm looking into getting back into Bad Company 2 if I can sort out a proper squad to play with if anyone's interested? Also looking at getting a squad together for Operation Flashpoint Red River co-op. Tricky finding a group of people to regularly play with on voice comms though - my Borderlands 2 campaign died halfway in because of the people I'm playing with not always being available at the same time and as a result we all got bored.

Also playing through Witcher 2 Hardcore and Far Cry 3 now with a few mods for the second runthrough.
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On the last chapter of deadspace 3 and I can safely say I've enjoyed this one more than the other two games, which is bound to get some comments! Its no where near as bland and repetitive as the first game and has a better storyline and tension than the second one. The change of location was much needed for me and I'm glad it didn't happen straight away. Had to play for around 4-5 hours before I got to the planet, where the gameplay takes on an almost "lost planet" feel to it on the outdoor parts and then back to deadspace on the indoor stuff. The last chapter is brutal in terms of ammo and more importantly health pack shortage! Great fun though.

Apart from that, also playing my way through max payne 3 on hard, which im stuck on and darksiders 2, which is good but in small amounts I find.
Fall Out New Vegas, around 33 hours in, starting to get a little bored so I'm going to start "Mark of the Ninja" and rotate between the two.
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