What PC games are you playing?

17 Sep 2010
Somewhere in Asia
Just started Dark Souls for the first time ever. It doesn't look too bad with a HD texture mod and HD text mod installed.

Enjoying it so far even though I have died so much. I turn it off and then 10 mins later I'm itching to go back on it as I want to get to the next area and see the cool artwork and enemies. Hopefully I can git gud eventually and do all the sick parries I see on Youtube.

It's one of my favourite games by a clear mile....whatever you do....stick with it.
29 May 2007
got this cheap at the weekend and its superb..atmosphere and environment really nail it

and of course some truly horrible finishing moves..though I do feel like a git sometimes.I played through the Good Doctor last night and happened upon a sleeping soldier...so naturally he got a knife inserted...then I found a letter to his family next to the bed...mad me feel really guilty as I could have just strangled him unconscious

I cant decide to put runes into powers or enhancements!!

Powers for me, I've only gotten a couple of Enhancements, 1 in bonecharm crafting and one in reflexes I think, the rest all on those lovely powers :)
17 Sep 2010
Somewhere in Asia
I own DS2 and DS3 and I absolutely hate the series. It definitely isn't for everyone.

I had a history with 'attempting' the series. I heard of the Demon's Soul hype for the PS3, bought it, played it, hated it.

I did the same with Dark Souls for the PS3.....stupidly bought the collector's edition when it came out, played it, hated it.

A friend of mine then gifted me on steam Dark Souls and I installed the resolution mod etc and persisted. This time I loved it.

It is not for everyone that is for sure, but I can only go with my experience that persistence paid off.
17 Oct 2002
It's definitely a bit marmite but is also an incredibly rewarding series, the difficulty does put some off though and I understand that.

Dodge > parry, mainly because I struggle to parry :p

In rank of preference;

BB > DS2 > DS3 > DS.
12 May 2012
I played & cleared DSII with M&KB easily enough, although it's a pain in the arse getting the binds set up properly.
They really failed on getting it set up for M&KB from the start.
19 May 2005
A friend of mine then gifted me on steam Dark Souls and I installed the resolution mod etc and persisted. This time I loved it.

It is not for everyone that is for sure, but I can only go with my experience that persistence paid off.

I was exactly the same with the Stalker series. Played it a couple of times as I kept reading how good it was and could never get on with it, but then decided to sit there and play for a few hours to give it a proper go and now its one of my favorite game series ever.

Dodge > parry, mainly because I struggle to parry :p

I can't get used to the dodge mechanic. I keep trying to dodge sideways like in the Witcher 3, but roll instead and because I'm a Knight class it takes 10 minutes to finish the roll animation lol.
30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
Started a few new games this week after completing a few last week:

L.A. Noire - I'm sure everyone knows this game, first time playing it for me. Only played a couple of hours but enjoying the story and setting so far.
The Evil Within 2 - my perfect kind of game, loving it.
South Park The Fractured but Whole - plays much the same as The Stick of Truth but with tile based combat this time.
Conarium: Lovecraftian based horror adventure - early days yet but pretty cool so far. It's based on my favourite Lovecraft story The Mountains of Madness so looking forward to see how it progresses.
8 Nov 2008
Thief (the most recent one).

I've only played a part of the introductory chapter but it seems okay so far. Bloody QTE (or something very similar) when opening a window is a shame, though.

The graphics look fairly good though there does seem to be a lack of what I can only describe as a final layer of polish/texture on most of the game world, whereas the odd item in a room looks rather well crafted. I suppose it's that or everything will look super shiny. :rolleyes: :D
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1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I have been sinking a unhealthy amount of time into Vanilla WoW, now known as lightshope. Was elysium/nost. But a change of name yet again.

I'm not even a decent level! Got a 29 hunter who has maxed 225 enchanting already. 22 rogue and as per usual, my auction character which is where I spend most of my time making gold as I previously got stung buying some on the private server so figured I'd play the auction house legitimately this time and it seems to be paying off!

I know it's pointless, but I've made some friends on it already and the social aspect is certainly the same as it was back in retail vanilla. So overall, enjoying it a lot.

However, I've fallen back into my trap of enjoying the pure grind whilst listening to audio books. Really chills me out.
21 Oct 2012
I'm going through my back catalogue of unfinished games in alphabetical order. I'm upto Batman Arkham Knight. Next up will be Bioshock Infinite. I've deleted my previous saved games and started from scratch. It's going to take a LOOOOOONG time to get to XCOM.

Apart from that I just play PUBG and Rocket League with friends
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