A notepad file with the freely available registration codes for 3DMark 1999 to 2001
Chipset drivers! Grab the intel "last chipset drivers for W9X" from vogons which covers early 478 to Slot 1 I think (probably earlier), Via Hyperion 4 in 1 5.24 (I think is the latest version); maybe even an Irongate in case you come across an AMD chipset (Slot A) board?
I'd dump Phil's Soundblaster Live W98 and dos drivers on there too. The actual drivers are only a couple of mb each and I've gone back to the live surprisingly often.
Rivatuner I think is good for sorting vsync issues.
CPU-Z for Windows 98
Phil's Dosbench benchmark pack
Nvidia 45 or 50-something if you're planning on using FX cards; voodoo drivers of some kind (not really my area)
Phil's MS-DOS starter pack which is very useful (menu for memory setup and drivers in DOS)
Why would you put antivirus on a Windows 98 PC?
Also I've been watching this all week but I had a client call me just as the auction was wrapping up so I missed it