My retro activity this weekend was to put my new SFX PSU in that old tiny case, and see what sort of system I wanted to build from there. Unfortunately it only takes the "narrow" kind of M-ATX board so only my 775 socket would fit, and not really "feeling" that kind of build right now.
I also tested out my 800MHz Slot 1 CPU, which works fine. I transplanted my "good" cooler from my 650 chip onto it but doctors were unfortunately unable to save the brittle intel stock cooler. I've now got a 650MHz CPU with no cooler; I think I'll try to find a scrap P3 somewhere.
Ibuilt a Windows XP PC in the 'old faithful' case so I can play No One Lives Forever 2 and BF1942 and wrarp up that First Person Shooter project I started a year or more ago. It's my 2GHz Athlon 64 and 2GB of RAM with my Audigy 2 ZS and overkill but quiet and internally powered GTX645. Hopefully fast enough for a little spotify, youtube and eBay whilst at work this week.
I am in a very lucky position that bought our first house last year but don't have any kids so I basically have bedroom 2 for all my crap. My work area is just my desk as I don't really do anything intense. I've got a garage that coincidentally we spent all Saturday emptying into a skip so I can actually do some drilling (need a dremel really) and I could finally use my soldering iron if I needed to.
Also coincedentally I had some shelves arrive from IKEA (no box, they just dumped a load of wood outside the drive, but it was all there so who cares) so now I have enough storage space for all my retro (and modern, and consoles) junk... with space to expand the collection

Yes it is leaning, I think it is slightly un-straight and the floor is also not quite level and they've combined to be very not straight...
Today I'll try to find a "narrow" MATX motherboard for that Tiny case. I'm thinking Socket 7 to Socket 478... or AM4 maybe!