What server do you OcUK'ers play WoW on?

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
I'm currently on Turalyon with my lvl 35 NE hunter, and have a lvl 18 dwarf paladin on Thunderhorn. Just wondering what servers you guys play on?

Twilights Hammer - 60 Human Rogue, 33 Night Elf Rogue.

Vek'nilash - 60 Orc Rogue.

Yep, I love rogues :D
invoke said:
having a bit of trouble getting to 60, any advise? :x

i know its boring, but grind mate

i went from 54-60 in 5 days just from grinding constantly, its a lot quicker than running around all day doing quests, unless you can find quests in the area your grinding in

Draenor - 60 Night Elf Warrior
Kilrogg: Level 43 Undead Priest (Shadow spec), level 23 Undead Rogue (Dagger build).

Will probably move to a new PvP realm when it opens with an Alliance character (probably Dwarf Priest or Human laladin)
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