What server do you OcUK'ers play WoW on?

I dont believe none of you have a char on dunemaul its one of the best community servers! used to be packed full but since migration thats changed still a brilliant server!
60 warlock - human (main)
60 Druid - night elf
20 Rogue - human
20 Priest - human
20 warrior - Human

Lightning's Blade
60 Mage - Gnome

profile for main lock in sig.
Kul Tiras

60 Shaman, my main.
35 Warrior, alliance, old alt.


30 warlock and leveling fast, alliance.

Bladefist - L24 mage and a L11 priest (both undead)
Homarush - L11 or so gnome rouge, lol.

I haven't really come across much "ganking" on pvp really. I find it really fun and exhilarating when you see an alliance/opposite side and you're both fighting for your life. Adds to the game!
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