What server do you OcUK'ers play WoW on?

invoke said:
Bloodfeather - 55 night elf hunter

having a bit of trouble getting to 60, any advise? :x

Quest in the higher lvl areas. Go to Felwood, Winter...(something) and plaguelands East, you will soon shoot through the lvls.

If you are going to grind, go for Creatures that are about 2 lvls above you, or slightly lower elites.

And always rest at the end of a session in your inn.
Confusion said:
cant make my mind up whether to play PvE or PvP :confused:

you can do both quite easily, if you mean a pvp server, well that means you could quite often get ganked etc so if your just starting its not really adivsable
Hey up,

Guild master of The Wofl Riderz on Kul Tiras.

Horde n00b guild pve, i have gotten bored with pvp.

Lvl 33 Orc Warrior Daranth
Lvl 29 Orc Hunter Drakoth (now my main)

Name thought of by blood dragon.

If any of you are looking to start out on a pve server drop me a mail in game, welcome to join up and help ya out.

Wont be on for a while though, BT still aint sorted my connection. :D
Decided to re roll on a new server, Aerie Peak, now i have a 27 rouge and a 25 priest on there. It's been open about 4/5 weeks, a few 60's going around already.
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