What single player games to get?

10 Feb 2010
Hey I'm just wondering what you guys would say your favourite single player games are, I'm gonna have my pc away from an online gaming capable internet connection for a while so I'm working out what I should get at the moment.

ATM I'd say:

DA:O + expansions
Crysis Warhead

Any suggestions? No steam suggestions please, it'll take too long to download if the connection even lets me download.

I'm thinking about getting ME2 once I'm finished with Dragon Age, but thoroughly engrossed in Dragon Age right now :)
Oblivon GOTYE, Fallout 3 GOTYE, Mass effect 1&2, Cod4, and thats all I can think of at the moment, tho theres loads more lol
You've been pimping those for some time now. Have you only just discovered them or what?

COD4 MW was a good SP campaign.
What about some Civ4 or even some Defense Grid?

Oh Defense Grid is probably download only :( but a small game.
K so Fallout 3 and ME2 are on the list then?

I've already played through CoD4 on Xbox, Crysis 2 isn't that far away is it? Has anyone heard anything more on it since the text trailer and Cryengine 3 demos?

Is Just Cause 2 any good, the demo was fun, if a bit random, is there a deeper plot or do you just run around infinite parachuting?
I can't believe nobody's mentioned Borderlands.
Otherwise I agree with Fallout 3, Oblivion, GTA IV and especially Just Cause 2.
I don't agree with Mass Effect 2 though. I find this very tough going. Bit of gameplay and then seemingly hours of dialogue and cutscenes, and repeat.
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