What the hell is going on with my pc? garbled pics..

31 Jul 2004
Ok, noticed this happening a fair bit recently..

Desktop/windows etc is fine... not had chance to test a game but my spider senses tell me that will be fine too...

Just for the record, this has been happening since I swapped to a shuttle but whilst I've had the shuttle I have had a 7800gtx and now an x1900xt and they've both done the same thing. Also a fresh windows install, still the same..

2 examples.. one from the forum and one from bbc news



the weird thing is with both of these the garble is exactly the same every time ever after a restart??

wtf is going on?

my internet connection seems to be a bit unstable atm, could it be that?? or is it something with cached pics perhaps??

Any help gratefully received.
right, this is weird..

downloaded opera and firefox, both twice, neither worked.. zip error and unknown error and another crazy error..

managed to get firefox downloaded and it works fine??

so is it IE thats corrupt? would that explain it not downloading firefox and opera right?
Yup that would explain it, or your router/modem is not downloading the files correctly, and only partiailly getting the pictures.

If firefox is working perfectly then you can atribute the problem to IE.
any solutions?

obviously "use firefox" springs to mind but I'm comfortable with IE.. I guess I can't remove it.. can I repair it? or does that involve a full install again?
You should be able to repair it.

If your not using IE7 here is the perfect excuse to jump on the beta.
sure its not dodgy ram? If it happens on fresh installs. Try downloading other stuff and see if its corrupted. Also if youve got other ram try that. Or memtest your current stuff.
I just cleared all offline content and they're fine again...


bloody software.. why can't you stick a pipe and some water in it? I understand that bit :p

PS congrats on the 1000 posts :p
Mr Mister said:
sure its not dodgy ram? If it happens on fresh installs. Try downloading other stuff and see if its corrupted. Also if youve got other ram try that. Or memtest your current stuff.

hmm.. downloaded a couple of files through firefox and IE and both corrupted..

surely not ram??
Did you actually run memtest as suggested?

Alternately, the jpeg compression algorhythm is a lossy one and you arent getting all of the image packets from the server, hence explaining the corruption - you can test if this is the case by opening images in IE from your hard drive. If the images from the hard drive are also corrupted, I'd go for driver issues or RAM faults (more likely).
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