What the hell is going on with my pc? garbled pics..

Azraeluk said:
Sounds like its the Nvidia Active Armour muck thats doing there is a known problem with it causing CRC errors.

When I first installed it, every zip i downloaded from the net was corrupt, the odd time they would work, but most times they were DOA.

Read the net a litte and found the issue, sadly I do recall that a full windows reinstall was required to remove it.

When you reinstall the NForce4 drivers dont install the firewall.

hmm.. that does chime with a few other issues I'm having here such as my connection speed being very erratic, sometimes my homepage (bbc news) won't load, then you refresh, refresh, refresh nothing.. open a new browser window and it zips straight on... I'm no wizard with this sort of thing but when I've got my technically inferior laptop (1.1ghz ULV centrino) jammed full of work firewalls and settings running rings round my pc on the net I guess something is going on.

So I reinstall (no major prob with that) and install the nv drivers and just give the firewall a miss?
Definitely get rid of the Nforce 4 firewall. A friend of mine was having the exact same problems, and uninstalling the firewall solved them all. I'm almost certain that'll work.
Do we think that will need a full install or ust remove the nv chipset drivers, driver cleaner it and then reinstall without the firewall?

I guess the obvious answer is try it...

fresh install sans firewall and all seems well and a damn sight faster too... weill report back if any changes but for the moment.. a big


I'd never have figured that out and I would have kept installing it with the chipset drivers and become convinced something was borked.
No problem mate - glad to be of service.

Now can someone tell me why my PATA maxtor drive insists on running chkdsk at boot up everytime.

Finds no errors buts its darn annoying, I have even run the Maxtor diag cd and it passes, but I think I might just RMA it anyhow.
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