What the ***? Youtube muting a mix

haha, :p watch Beardyman live at kendal part 1, 2 and 3 on youtube, I dont think he has a mute button.

Really good though.

He does a lot of well know material, but I guess its like watching video's of people doing karaoke on youtube, would it really count as copyright?

I've seen him live before, he really is excellent. DubFX is also just as amazing :)

And I would imagine karaoke would count as copyright, as the backing track is still the original...
I would have thought artists would want people using their tracks in mixes to get more people to hear it! Suppose this is only true with the very small labels that isn't mainstream.

Also, your view count is tiny, why would anyone care about disabling your videos?

Exactly. People just want money these days. It's not as if the view count will get much higher either. People don't think that "Maybe if I dislike he won't get many views, which defeats the point of putting videos on youtube - to get them more exposure". They just see that it's a mix of EDM (here anyway) And think "HUUUUURRRRR DIZLIKEZ BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE YOUR MUSIC". They don't realise that youtube is one of the few ways I can start getting people knowing me as a DJ. It's actually rather selfish on their part to dislike because of the genre.

Just get your own website, 9 years since I set mine up, and it has been an invaluable tool for getting my mixes out there. Only costs me £12.50 a month.

I can't afford that! I'm a student :)
Yet you could afford to smoke?

The money you are saving on that would easily be more than £12.50 a month.

Good point :)

It's funny how copyright works though, for example I made this a couple of years ago....


Had over 1.5 million views within a week, got on to a few X-Factor websites as a 'top story' and has more than one bit of copyrighted material and yet other than a few spotty teens calling me a bad man for ****ging her off I never once got any kind of infringement warnings.

Once hit hi a million views I was expecting ITV to some in and get Youtube to remove it.

Guess it's a case of any publicity is good publicity for Syco (who I'm sure must have known about it).

Yeah, there doesn't seem to be a definable boundary.

Well, you can :confused:.

Especially now you've quit smoking ;).

As I said above, good point :)
I was referring to pre-broadband days when the majority of (decent) dance music didn't get cd-single releases and were only on vinyl. :p

As soon as mp3 mixes became the norm, djs got way more exposure, and labels started to lose out on sales. They don't need bedroom djs to promote tracks any more, they have their own facebook and youtube accounts for that, along with the headliner djs out there.

I'm glad I rode the wave before that happened, hehe.

Since switching to a 3rd party front-end site to promote my mixes, I have uploaded 62 mixes, with 39,000 total downloads since 2006! My single most popular mix has had 3,000 downloads.

Nice man :)

How do you get that amount of hits to your site?
Exposure on relevant forums.

Posting on here isn't going to generate much, but I also post on 3 dance music forums and 2 clubbing forums. It's way more difficult to get exposure now though as there are even more bedroom djs, the internet is saturated with them. If you didn't get a core following back in the early 00s, the only way to get one now is to be a good producer as well.

That's a good idea :)

I'm working on getting a few new tracks out there, so hopefully that will help :)
So a person can't be happy and contented but be bored by someones constant updates on what is happening in their lives? :confused:

It gets boring, opening a thread to see you blarting about whatever has happenend to you that day,

"my gf has collapsed OMGZ"

People post when they have less important issues

"I've got no Rizla"

Bring the rain did the same, it was more light-hearted than anything :)

"I'm DJ'ing at the O2"

Have you had an achievement on the same level? If not then your problem is jealousy :)

"Guyz, I'm DJ'ing at the O2"

As above, with the added caveat that if you really find it that much of a problem, if you were as excited about such an important milestone than I'm sure you would be as vocal as me. If not then hey ho.

"I'm at the O2 DJ'ing"

Again, as above


You don't have to read my replies, put me on ignore, put your skirt on and live happily ever after :)

You don't have to have a problem with people you don't know, you could try being polite, like I am, but no :)
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