What thing did your parents say to you when you were younger that you didn't believe but now completely understand that they were right?

Pensions - put as much in you can as early as you can.

Wish I started earlier than age 24...
watching my dad lose half the value of his pension pot to mismanagement plus the way the government keeps dicking about with pension rules I actually learned the opposite and I put 20k in my isa every year instead - you can still buy an annuity later in life
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Not from my parents but from Ms Dimock, my Primary 5 teacher.

"Overuse of punctuation is the sign of a weak and lazy mind."

I visibly shift in my seat now when reading an email with more than one exclamation point.
The proper answer here kids, is to invest significantly in both pensions and ISAs.
it depends on your circumstances, I retired at 35 so haven't had taxable income that I could sacrifice to save income tax by putting it in a pension, so pension contributions would have gained me nothing any way, I can still buy an annuity when I'm 65 if I really want to (but unlikely as my assets will still be generating me more than what an annuity of the same value would)
"If anyone asks you for advice on the internet, please don't paste Baz Luhrman in, it makes you look like an idiot"
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