what to purchase?

27 Sep 2004
Well I've got a bit of spare cash in the Bank, got my last installment of my College money. Out of the money I've got I don't want to spend more than 200. I don't really need it that much as my job kinda covers me.

So I'm asking, what would you buy with it? Anything new out thats worth buying? Some cool gadgets? A game or something?

Let me know what you'd get with it.
Going to Cali said:
Mate, if you have to ask what to buy, sit on your money until there's something you need.
That's my real answer but just to humor you, in what sorts of things are you interested? How about some computer bits?

I know if I had 200 burning a hole in my pocket that I had to spend, I'd probably get another two or three nodes for my cluster computer.
Mic said:
Id get that so quickly if it was 18inch. Would look ace next to my 18inch Terminator and Robocop.

Not only am i sad for even knowing stuff like this exists, i am also so dead when the wife finds out i've spunked up for all three figures in the set.
atpbx said:
Not only am i sad for even knowing stuff like this exists, i am also so dead when the wife finds out i've spunked up for all three figures in the set.
Ouch thats a hefty price tag mate.
Wouldnt post some pics when you get them? Would like to see them in the flesh so to speak.
cleanbluesky said:
In what, for how long? Reason I ask is that I am going to be in a similar situation soon.

Computer Science. 3 Years

Dont worry the fees aren't actually that much, its just that they want to be sure you have enough money to support yourself during your study. The cost breakdown I was given is as follows:

Course Fees : £3162
College Fees : £2000
Living Costs : £8000

All the above is per year, so they need evidence that you have around £13,000 a year.
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