What trek series

Its hard to compare TNG with any of the others, DS9 and Voyager both followed a consistent plot line where as TNG was more a series of one off episodes. With DS9 and Voyager they both became (more so in the later a series) a case of miss one episode and you wont have a clue whats going on.

DS9 for me is the better series if you follow the entire plot. The characters were better and the Dominion war was just fantastic.
loopstah said:
Deep Space 9 is the best Trek series in my opinion, it has more of an ongoing story, better characters and more action.


The other series' lacked whatever it was that made DS9 so good. The Borg are usually a good watch in any of the other series'.
Not a fan of Voyager at all. Now DS9 I liked - strong characters, gritty plots, awesome battle scenes, comic relief - everything you need in a Trek production. I quite got into Enterprise as well, the 3rd series was very good, although I felt the 4th tailed off somewhat.
Anything remotley to do with Star Wars / Star Trek is awful and you shouldn't have to be exposed to it. Watch a real man's program like 'Only Fools and Horses' or 'Fawlty Towers' :D
melchy said:
To be honest you've selected the two worst Trek series. Deep Space Nine or the Next Generation would be my pick, with the Original Series for the cheese value :D

Deep Space Nine has a few things that the others dont, its has an evolving plot and also massive space battles in the later series. Its also a much darker vision of the Trek universe. They dont always win.

Its also got the rather good and award winning episode "Trials and Tribble-ations". In season 5 i believe.

Agreed. Definetly two of the worst Trek series. The Next Gen is a show I can easily sit down and watch any episode of. Its always enjoyable and I'm always finding myself watching it at 3am on Sky :) I do love the drama in DS9, and that you can see a real change in the characters from season 1 to 7.
This is what goes on in Voyager

Ensign Kim - We are under attack !
Capt Janeway - Shields up, evasive Maneuver Delta
Lt Paris - Yes maam !
Ensign Kim - Shields at 70%
Capt Janeway - Return fire !
Lt Tuvok - No effect
Ensign kim - My be we could reverse the polar dimetric of the deflector shield to 2000% and fly directly at them upside down and target their aft generator
Capt Janeway - Do it !
Lt Tuvock - Target Destroyed
Ensign Kim - Can i have a promotion?
Capt Janeway - No.
malfunkshun said:
Raymond Lin, man, you forget 7of9 pouting and trying to look interested, or sometimes intelligent. Silly boy

But she's always in engineering with Lt Torres (doing what girls do in hot enclosed spaces :p), that or the galaxy map room thing, she's hardly on the bridge.
If you enjoy one you should enjoy them all... but I have to say Voyager was probably my favourite.

All the series have something to offer though and more than a few "classic" episodes.

Get sky tv and watch all of the episodes, they re-run them constantly.
My order of preference would be


DS9 picked up a lot when Worf joined and similar with Voyager it picked up once 7 of 9 and the Borg were included, although species 8472 weren't too bad, if underused.

In no particular order, the best bits (not a complete list):

Enterprise - season 3
TNG - season 3 + later Borg episodes + Q episodes
Voyager - season 4 on (not as good as other series though)
DS9 - dominion war (last few seasons)
Classic - take your pick, for cheesyness

I'd also highly recommend Babylon 5 if you're after some excellent non-Trek sci-fi.
Watch B5 :p

Then DS9

DS9 was the only star trek series that I felt had any real character development, things like Quark and Odo, Nog, Kira and Dukot etc.
It also had the most 3 dimensional characters in the ST universe, they actually developed the backgrounds in a consistant fashion, none of this "X needs some more screen time, we'll do an episode about how he/she did something 30 years ago and never mention it again".

Not to mention the best comedy episodes in any star trek series, the whole hostage exchange scenario was brillient.
Watch the new Battlestar Galactica TV series :). Knocks the pants off anything else.

Trek wise, If you like military confrontation and some excellent space battles then DS9 has that in spades, however TNG is far more thoughtfully written and, frankly, much better acted. You can also empathise with the characters a lot more.

Although the first 2 seasons of both are generally pap ;)

VOY and ENT have their moments which have been mentioned above but the other two are better imo.
TBH I have never watched one episode of any of them , might have to one day just to check that I haven't missed out on something
Werewolf said:
Watch B5 :p

Then DS9

Aye, do that instead :)

DS9 was the only star trek series that I felt had any real character development, things like Quark and Odo, Nog, Kira and Dukot etc.
It also had the most 3 dimensional characters in the ST universe, they actually developed the backgrounds in a consistant fashion, none of this "X needs some more screen time, we'll do an episode about how he/she did something 30 years ago and never mention it again".

Not to mention the best comedy episodes in any star trek series, the whole hostage exchange scenario was brillient.

You'll notice that the all new Battlestar Galactica is produced by Ronald D. Moore. He was also one of the writers on DS9. One of the things he continually talks about in his podcasts is character development over technobabble. I think you can see his influence in DS9. Look at Sisko at the start and the end. Hell, look at any of them. They get put through hell and you can see it. Compare that to Voyager where they were in a technically worse situation and yet it was always smiles and sunshine. Character development. Its the key to any good scifi show. B5, Farscape, DS9, BSG.
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