What trek series

I loved DS9, but at times I thought it got a little bit boring with all that faux religion rubbish. Excellent battles in the later episodes though, especially the last one.
your list of things to watch

Babylon 5: if your going to watch this there are 2 things youl need to do and 2 things youl need to have...
to do: MUST watch from episode one, to the final episode IN ORDER. the story of B5 runs from episode 1 right through to the end and if you dont watch it in order, you wont have a clue, its not the type of show to catch here and there like trek was.

the 2 things youl need are, Time & Patience, youl understand the relevence of those words if you watch it :)

FarScape + Peacekeeper wars: same rules apply as with B5, plot runs from ep 1 to final, and then you have the tv movie, The Peace Keeper Wars...

Deep Space 9:
this show was slated a lot because quite frankly the first 3 seasons were pants, but watch it in order and bare with it because from seaon 4 onwards it was brilliant. although i wont lie, youl be rather annoyed with the ending.

Voyager and the next generation can be watched as and when you like, they are single story episodes, not too much of an order going on apart from the odd cast member being replaced and the odd 2 parter,

Enterprise: Season 1 = ok, nice plot running all the way through, seasons 2 and 3, Excellent, a long running plot, kept you hooked all the way, final seasons were back to the mindless wandering from episode to episode with no involving plot to keep you focused, just a new quick story each episode (people want to be dragged into a series and held there these days, Babylon 5 was in my opinon the first sci fi series to recognise this, it had an emense and complicated story brilliantly woven throughout the show

BattleStar Galactica (modern one) : you can catch up on this when ever but again the "watch in order" rule applies, fail to do this with any of the ones ive mentioned will result in you going "this is crap, i dont understand, im not watching it anymore" make sure you watch the 2 hour TV movie from 2003 before you start on the tv series, the movie sets the scene very well.

Enjoy :)
meh... never was a big fan of next gen .... all the characters are waaay too sissy

ds9 is a great series and yes the characters really do grow in leeps and bounds

voyager is cool aswell... the characters are good, not sure if they really grow much (after u they forget the whole marquis grumpyness) .... lots of borg action though (borg that actually look good not like in next gen) and 8472 are cool as well

then again i also liked enterprise, i wouldn't go so far as to call myself a huge trekky, i dont care about plot holes or inconsistencies, enterprise had some good action, some good characters and thats enough for me
DS9 all the way for me when it comes to trek

or scrap that idea and get babylon5 instead :p

I just started my Stargate collection now an thats also worth considering :)
Star trek is OK, but a liitle long winded. TBH only one episide in three was any good, although ds9 did pick up well.

B5 is only for die hards.

If you want to go sci-fi, I'd say go for Star gate, or the new Battle star galactica.
Watch DS9 or TNG.

I generally prefer TNG, although it does feel a bit dated and it's late 80s/early 90s production is quite apparant at times. It doesn't detract too much from the show though.

DS9 despite being out of production feels much more current to me. It has some interesting story lines and paints in my opinion a much more realistic slightly darker picture of humanity than was ever shown in TNG.

Series 7 in partciular of DS9 is fantastic.

DS9 had a lot more character development than some of the other series and the nature of the show (set on a space station) allows a much broader set of regular characters (Quark, Garek etc).

VOY isn't too bad, but not a patch compared to TNG and DS9.

Enterprise started slowly and abotu started to gather some pace when it was killed off. I think it could have about managed a 7 series run if given a bit more of a chance and assuming it had continued to improve.
Cheers for all the input and ive narrowed my decisions down to 2:

Deep space 9: From what i gathered from your responses its a one of the best series but doesnt fly off with a good few seasons. Gets better with age :)

Star gate SG1: ive watched the movie and seen the odd episode on sunday and looks really good.

I think im more leaning towards SG1 also i found that each boxset is very cheap at 24.99 :)
stargate is £21.97 from one online retailer(hint big rain forest :p )

also the complete babylon 5 boxset which features :

Babylon 5 Seasons 1-5,all the Babylon 5 films and Crusade Season 1.

The Babylon 5 films comprise:

-Legend Of The Rangers

-The Gathering
-In The Beginning
-Third Space
-Call To Arms
-River Of Souls

you can get this lot for around £130 online, massive bargain!!

just chuck out legand of the rangers when it arrives :p
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