What TV shows are you currently watching

Uncle on Dave. Missed it first time around on BBC3, but really enjoying the dark humour, and the cast is pretty good with Nick Helm as the lead, Daisy Haggard (Man Stroke Woman) as his sister and mum to his nephew, and cameos from people such as Racquel Cassidy (Teachers, Spooks), whom I still would!
Currently on season 5 of Parks and recreation. Its a good show, but the jokes are pretty much the same thing all the way through. Still a good light hearted show to stick on now and again. Mainly watch for Ron, Tom and Leslie, the rest are mediocre to skip every time they're on screen bad.
Have started watching Atypical on Netflix, after reading the synopsis, it did not really seem like it would be my sorta thing, but it is quite good, and gets a few good giggles out of me
I recently started on 'Power' and 'Shooter'. I watched the first 4 eps of Power and wasn't hooked, so jumped over to Shooter and got hooked... but then for me there were some quite odd plot holes -

How did they find his wife and kid at the remote hut? They paired/cloned the wifes' sisters phone... and then did what? This was probably my biggest annoyance. To me it made no sense.

Why did Krekov (or whatever his name) take the little girl back to the embassy? Why make it 'official' that you've kidnapped a kid?!?!? He has money and resources, stick her in a basement somewhere everyone doesn't know about.

Shooter lures them all to the woods. His speciality being blending in and super long range shots. Tactic he chooses, up close and personal, literally running around in the woods. Really?

He'd made it so the gun couldn't fire? So when he'd first escaped, he could have just explained what he had been doing, pointed out it could no longer fire, it can't be him, thanks, see ya! I don't get that at all. If he decided to go through all of that, his actually nuts. Very easily his wife or kid could have been killed.
I've just finished watching the latest series of Fargo. I missed it the first time around, so bulk watched them over the last few days. Very meh, compared to the previous ones.
Finished The Wire and was looking for something else that was as good, so I'm watching The Shield. Although I'm 3 episodes in and I'm not sure I'm feeling it....the whole thing seems a lot more phoney than The Wire.
Finished The Wire and was looking for something else that was as good, so I'm watching The Shield. Although I'm 3 episodes in and I'm not sure I'm feeling it....the whole thing seems a lot more phoney than The Wire.
same I tried a couple of episodes and not feeling it, however I think its more of after binging the wire, I need a non cop show first.
Stick with it!

It's not as good as The Wire but it certainly gets pretty close. Vic is the perfect anti-hero.

I'm going to give the whole first season a go (I never ditch things part way through because I appreciate things take time to warm up) but it seems much less "true to life" than The Wire which is a bit jarring.
The Shield is more action and drama based then The Wire. The Shield has a main story which runs the entire season, then a mini story which will run over an episode or two. The Wire is all about the main story with a secondary story (again an episode or 3) playing second fiddle.
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